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Is your open source project still using Slack for its community? Consider:

Mozilla has migrated their chat to Matrix:

Mattermost now offers hosted service with special pricing for OSS projects:

There are probably even more I'm not aware of.

There are good Free options now. Time to get out of the proprietary SaaS lock-in.

Now that#Biden has won, it is important to remember what he has done. He called for war with Iraq starting in the 90s:

As VP, he helped 's party stay in power even when his party lost the election. Maliki then went on to persecute the "multi-sectarian and moderate" Al-Iraqiya party which had won 51%. Many point to this as a key event that helps ISIS flourish. He did with executive power. He's now the chief executive.

gives us , that is the key reason why we seek and use new technology. What is rarely discussed is how the uneven spread of this new power will affect society. When good people get it first, it can trigger huge improvements. When bad people get it first, they use this power for personal gain at the expense of everyone else.

your "Data Protection Choices" screen is really disingenuous. The "Decline" button does not take you to the article even!

"Adtech's bogeymen are tracking everything - even your web visits to mental health charities, claim campaigners... So says Pro Privacy after automatedly gazing at 82,000 sites"

@Tutanota kudos for building your own respecting protection! We need to stop the giant that is , and what you are doing is a key piece of that!

We'd quickly like to explain why we have to build the DDoS mitigation ourselves, how the progress is so far, and what you can expect as next steps. While improving anti DDoS measures, you'll be happy to know that we've also much reduced loading time. Thank you very much for your continuous support! 🙂

is “a form of power that is largely unaccountable, un-transparent, donor-directed, protected in perpetuity and lavishly tax advantaged"

A better solution is more , , and access to technical education. When people do not want to use software because of its bias, they can build their own using free software building blocks, rather than starting from scratch. If they do not personally have the technical skills, people can be hired to implement designs. But this is difficult because of run by quite homogeneous people control vast swathes of the and . 2/2

Show thread this post proposes and measurement as a solution for bias in . But the bias comes from the people making the software, who would then be reviewing the data. They would still bring their inherit bias to the analysis. For example, Google Image Search has a race bias because it was trained that way, and very few black people were involved in the training, most likely because there are few black employees and therefore the social network.1/2

this idea matches my experience much better than "disorder":

"...biological anthropologists call on the scientific community to rethink mental illness. With a thorough review of the evidence, they show good reasons to think of depression or PTSD as responses to adversity rather than chemical imbalances. And ADHD could be a way of functioning that evolved in an ancestral environment, but doesn’t match the way we live today." this is just a feeling, I have no data or measurements. I mostly use duckduckgo (Bing) and startpage (Google), and sometimes Google directly.

In 1948, Yugoslavia was expelled from Cominform, the Soviet information agency, in retaliation for its "non-aligned" status; deprived of information-processing capacity, the country created its own IT industry from scratch.

Yugoslavia's high tariffs and uneasy status on the world stage meant that by the 1970s, members of the New Wave" - science and tech enthusiasts who clustered around the sf/electronic mag Galaksija - could only play with PCs by pooling their mone


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