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Some come out of the closet, some prefer to stay inside.

(low light, high exposure time)

Current state of the 🌎 shows how important it is that the 📱 in our pockets can stay free of surveilance and be used as their users intend to, not any corporation.

This is even more motivation to hack on #phosh and #LinuxMobile

@mkljczk @Precz Protip: Można raz na tydzień jeśli powołasz się na Status Rzymu

Celebrate 5 years of Indiepocalypse and supporting and celebrating indie games with Indiepocalypse #60!

-10 curated games for $15!
-Newly commissioned game by
@komi_tsu & Shoto Hayakawa (
-Cover by Yuko Ono (

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and more!

🚀 Mesa 24.03 + etnaviv = Multiple Render Targets (MRTs)!
The latest release of Mesa 24.03 brings exciting news for the etnaviv GPU driver: support for Multiple Render Targets (MRTs)!

Learn how it was made happen:

#etnaviv #mesa

@agturcz Yeah, and that's utterly incompatible with "we only have private mobile phones". I wouldn't even have to really try for them to see why 😝

@agturcz I would cause so many troubles with that unintentionally that I wouldn't even have to resist consciously 😅

@agturcz What happens if your phone doesn't run Android or iOS? What happens if you forget to charge it overnight before it goes flat while commuting?

@cas Note that this only seems relevant to USB 3 links.

@improbite @wonziu Ach, chyba widzę o co Ci chodzi, ale... /e/OS to też Android 😂

@improbite @wonziu Przecież Fairphone używa Androida.

(Sent from my Librem 5 😋)

@didek @thibaultamartin I don't even bother with NAS these days, my (mostly FLAC) collection is 130GB and I just rsync it to phone's SD card occasionally. I still have a small stash of CDs waiting to be ripped once I feel the need to grab something new. What I don't feel the need to do is to attach myself to some network service.

@aeva You don't, it's meant to have some non-trivial latency (and half of it likely comes from the client anyway).

If you *really* need low latency I'd rather use something like Jamulus instead, but that's harder to tune in and scales poorly with number of clients (its sub-50ms latencies make it possible to jam with people online though, which is fun).

@skrzyp Well, depends on your ambition 😜
If you ask for advice: make a shitty prototype in a week and see where it's going.

@cas yeah, depends on the client - waypipe's much better at pushing bitmaps around indeed

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