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Burnout in the FOSS community is real, and I'm glad that it's something that is being talked about more in blogs and conferences. There is a different flavor of burnout and emotional toll when you are sacrificing for a cause you believe in (especially in FOSS where people are often working for free or at below market rate). Working for a cause you believe in brings the highest highs when things are going well, but the lowest lows when they go badly.

#FOSS #burnout

@0xabad1dea Based on given requirements, a script that hashes the content, uploads it to some online content-addressable storage and then downloads it back on "decompression" would probably be unbeatable 😜

#postmarketOS just landed the last MR needed to make the #libcamera + #PipeWire camera stack work on the #Librem5 and #PinePhone by default, using the new software ISP shipped in libcamera 0.3.
So if you have such a device: just update and go install apps like Snapshot, Warp, Decoder etc.

Note that this does *not* replace #megapixels or #millipixels - those continue to be the default camera apps.

@joojmachine @lidsel @capital What you're describing is essentially a btrfs snapshot and hardly relevant to what Microsoft is doing, which is about screenshots.

Whenever I have to deal with on devices that formerly ran android I realize how super simple things like flashing and debugging are on the compared to that.

No odd partition schemes, no super sensitive boot loader that gives up on the first glitch. Just and if all else fails .

like fr this idea that you can run the entire proprietary Android stack under the hood with outdated and hackily patched forks of Linux middleware and call the result a Linux phone is insulting.

there's a reason it's called libhybris

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chromium-review.googlesource.c is finally marked as "Ready To Submit" and has appropriate review completed.

This means portal camera through pipewire/libcamera could be finally making it's way into Chromium at last!

@silmeth I love how it does a little redirection dance as it tries and fails to migrate the session across Tab Containers πŸ˜‚

@tanty @igalia One gripe I had when using iwd instead of wpa_supplicant (in my case on Librem 5) was that it breaks Geoclue's Wi-Fi functionality... although now with MLS shutting down it's probably less of an issue πŸ˜₯

Turns out that my Librerapay account was misconfigured for a while and couldn't accept any payments. I've fixed that now, so if you ever tried to support my FLOSS work through there and bounced off, I guess now is a good time to try again πŸ˜…

phosh 0.39.0 is out πŸš€πŸ“±:

Some highlights:

- #phosh: folder support, night light quick setting
- #phoc: wakeup-key handling (to prevent accidental unblank)
- #squeekboard: New layout, lots of layout improvements
- mobile-settings: Allow to manage custom quick settings, allow to toggle whether to ignore hw keyboards, many new translations

Check out the full release notes at

#phosh #librem5 #pinephone #gtk #wlroots #gnome #linux #mobile #LinuxMobile

@eliasr Just exported with darktable-cli using a preset and lensfun data I made that I'm going to share once I verify some last details.

Everyone's excited about pretty sun flares right now; I found one in my collection too, although slightly different in its nature 😁

@martijnbraam None of the above; I'm using Lensfun. I'll add it to the database once I'm reasonably convinced that the data is right.

@pavel @stu @eliasr Well, Millipixels should just go away at some point anyway; the only part of it that I'm concerned with right now is pretty much just plain ol' libraw.

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