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KDE releases today Plasma Mobile 6. Check out its renewed base system and apps.

This version comes with a new and improved shell, a new home screen with heaps of new features, enhancements of the base system, improvements in apps like Clock, Kasts and Photos, and much more.

#Plasma6 #PlasmaMobile

Just found out that it's possible to donate to Phosh here:

Donations there go to the developers @agx and @devrtz

If, like me, you appreciate that awesome project and rely on it everyday for your device, you know what to do! πŸ˜‰


For those of you interested in our recent video offloading / zero-copy playback work: I quickly put together some #livi #flatpak s to make it easy to test stuff already. Compositor offloading should work on all semi-recent Intel/AMD and a variety of ARM64 devices.

If you trust the sandbox you can get them here:

I expect quite a few people hitting driver bugs, so please help tracking those down :)

#LinuxMobile #gtk #GStreamer #Wayland #GNOME

It should be 100% required by law that anytime a piece of media gets "tax deleted", the corporation is required to first upload a copy to the Internet Archive.

@dx Cheap and very easy to DIY way to play Petal Hero without a flow3r. Also, a way for me to learn using KiCad to produce rather than just consume πŸ€“

Are you forced by your #bank to use proprietary #apps? Have a look at background shared on the @fsfe 's discussion list by @floriansnow from a #FreeSoftware angle:

Florian's questions:

* What's your experience with your bank?
* How do you do your #banking?
* Is there an important angle that I missed?

Watch out, I'm a hardware designer now! My first board is here and it works!

Super happy with the "ambient light" effect:) There's one LED shining at the back into the hand, and another behind the screen, giving the impression of light passing through the PCB. Quite mesmerizing.

I still need to put side LEDs on (one for each of the touch pads), but those tiny SK6812-4020 turned out to be way beyond my amazing soldering skills πŸ˜…

πŸ›οΈ If it’s public money, make it public code!

✍️ 231 organisations and 36517 individuals already support this call for action by signing our open letter!

ℹ️ Learn more about this initiative:

#EUelections #PMPC #SoftwareFreedom

i think the EU should pass legislation that enforces standards based 2factor auth (like totp/hotp) for banks, health insurance etc. it is absolutely unacceptable that people are _forced_ to buy android/ios smartphones to use critical services

With some preparatory work to allow plugins to use objects from #phosh core and @arunmani 's nice work on custom quick settings already merged the often asked for caffeine toggle is within reach:

#gtk #gnome #LinuxMobile

nothing ruins my motivation to send fixes to your open source project more than to ask me to sign a CLA for it.

sorry guys I'm just not that interested in reviewing a legal contract just to improve your software for free

@nil @foone People have done it; and I can even easily script my phone to work this way πŸ€ͺ

KiCad 8 has been tagged! That means that it is only a matter of hours before the latest/greatest version of KiCad is released to the world. We can't wait to share it with you

In preparation for the upcoming #phosh release we've tagged gmobile 0.0.6

This release adds a number of new devices contributed by @fakeshell

@bhearsum Well, it wouldn't "flip its lid" otherwise, that one's purely on you πŸ˜„

@bhearsum Is it a 20 years old installation? Not sure how to explain having /dev/sd* instead of UUIDs in fstab otherwise 😜

@williamtries LN920: No audio. Theoretically it may be possible to get VoLTE working, but practically we're very far from being able to do so.

FN920: Same as above, plus no 2G/3G fallback. Not sure why would one want to use it without matching antennas anyway.

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