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@KinmenRisingProject @cas @mobian Once we get to the size and level of organizational maturity of Debian, Linux or similar hugely successful FLOSS projects, then things will mostly work on their own: if there's something that needs to be done in Linux, eventually someone pops up and does it, paid or not (though more likely to be paid, in fact!). We're nowhere close to that yet, I still regularly stumble upon issues that turn out to be trivial to fix but that simply nobody looked close at so far.

@KinmenRisingProject @cas @mobian Both Pi and Arduino employ developers that act as stewards for software support for their platforms. Even Openmoko did.
I did my fair share of unpaid development work in the mobile GNU/Linux world across the last two decades; I also had an opportunity to get paid for such work, so I know both sides well:) I wouldn't be able to do half the things I did if had to earn for living with something else as well, and the community is still small enough for it to matter.

@mcc > improved driver support

I'm not sure if you have actually ever looked at your typical Android drivers close enough...

my gf once told me "🔑 Unable to decrypt message" and I think that's beautiful 🥺

@KinmenRisingProject @mobian If you want "professional", someone needs to pay for it. Otherwise you're fully at mercy of your community becoming big and diverse enough for someone with the right skillset to step in and do the needed stuff before the interest fades. And even when they do, they do it on their own terms - you can't demand anything.

Ever wondered where the price difference between PinePhone and Librem 5 comes from? Hint: there's no trouble with maintaining the Librem 5 kernel tree.

@Hyperlynx ...which is exactly why there's no place for it in Git, or any other DVCS for that matter. It should be built on top, because it's a completely separate problem to what distributed version control systems concern themselves with. Git does not offer any primitives that could be helpful in implementing it at all, it's just not the place to handle it.

@grumpygamer File locking has its use-cases, but it goes completely against the idea of DVCS. I don't think there's a place for it in Git, it feels like something best done in a layer on top of a VCS.

Gender is a lot like operating systems. People always assume you use one of the two big proprietary ones and if you don't, you're gonna have to deal with a lot of confusion and compatibility issues. On the plus side you get a lot more customisability and don't have to care about bullshit policies of the proprietary options.

I never get tired of posting my phone running on the latest stable kernel. Props to @purism for doing all the hard work to maintain the #librem5 kernel and making it easy for @mobian to use it!

@Tijn @Sophie They make an engine, but they're famously really bad at making games; maybe the fact that they're missing some basic lore like that is why that's the case ;)

Currently internally debating whether I'll attend #37C3. Since #COVID my endurance dumped: Before I was able to run 25km without prior training, now I'm gasping after 5. I cannot do *any* strength/core training without carefully tracking my heart beats.

I do recommend everyone who hasn't been at any Congress to visit if they can, it's an incredible experience. But I had my share of Chaos events this year already and the a) non-existence of any precautions b) the statement of unwillingness to go beyond what's required by law (since when do we care about *that*?), combined with c) the IMHO *disgusting* phrasing on the announcement taking the cherry on the top, only solidified by the comments of orga related people really makes me question going there.

I do understand that it's difficult to mandate masks and I can accept a decision based on this rationale if communicated that way. One could formulate the social goal of reducing infections despite the difficulties. But instead everything is shifted to the individual's responsibility, a weird "libertarian" idea for which I only have utter contempt. There are people worse off than me who need to rely on us behaving properly.

Masks don't hurt. But they're effective.

Designing algorithms to return definitive results and then getting duped by conspiracy theorists is embarrassing; doing the same and getting pwned by the hapless stupidity of large language models is malpractice.

IMO this is not simply a matter of Google's algorithms being no good. What's going on here is that Google is playing a losing game by trying to extract true information from the web algorithmically. Why would Google choose to play a game it could only lose?

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@ZachWeinersmith I don't dislike AI, it's a super cool tech, *especially* generative. I dislike people in power using it to make the world worse.

today's mission: turn on as many of our cellphones as possible to see just how comprehensive the emergency broadcast test is

@mcc @hikari But Java and C# are both compiled ahead of time into bytecode for their virtual machines. That bytecode is then JITed at execution, as opposed to something like JavaScript or Python which aren't compiled AOT and if JITed then directly from the source code. I don't have much experience with C#, but Java was never fast to compile :P

@JshKlsn I agree phones would be better if thicker because call me weird my @purism Librem 5 is thick and out of all my phones feels oddly the most comfortable

@Keev @Wuzzy In Poland, we have a term "SOA#1" - "Standardowa Odpowiedź Administratora numer 1", which means "Admin's Standard Answer No. 1" - "works for me" 😂

@Wuzzy And if using Android (either directly or containerized), check out which makes it super easy to contribute!

#Google is trying again to convince you, YES YOU, to contribute for free to Google Maps.
Please don't.
It is 100% #proprietary, Google has full control over the data you added and people can only access Google Maps over proprietary channels where Google dictates the rules. This gives them too much power.

Contribute to #OpenStreetMap instead, it's a project by the community, for the community.

#OSM #GoogleMaps #PSA #scam #capitalism #OpenData

My old #n900 booting the mainline kernel on #postmarketOS, installed on a 1TB SD card.

When this came out, flash memory was $1620/TB [1], and a 32GB SD card was *huge*. I don't think anyone expected to install a 1TB card in one. A lot can be said for maintaining backwards compatibility!


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