Interesting talk about Git and games. The speaker misses the biggest issue with use Git in games and that is file locking. Two artist working on the same file is not mergable. The art in RtMI had to be source controlled in SVN, which I hated. Space wasn't an issue. I ran my own Git sever. File locking was.
@grumpygamer File locking has its use-cases, but it goes completely against the idea of DVCS. I don't think there's a place for it in Git, it feels like something best done in a layer on top of a VCS.
@Hyperlynx ...which is exactly why there's no place for it in Git, or any other DVCS for that matter. It should be built on top, because it's a completely separate problem to what distributed version control systems concern themselves with. Git does not offer any primitives that could be helpful in implementing it at all, it's just not the place to handle it.
@dos oh, I see what you're getting at. Yeah, maybe so.