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@mistersixt @janvlug Crimson isn't even ready for developers yet, let alone users. There are many regressions over byzantium, many broken dependencies and many non-installable packages there. It was just barely cleaned up enough for images to build last week, and plenty of work is still needed to put it into shape. You can run it if you want, sure, but expect problems and don't expect any support.

@eccentricShaft @kop316 Just to fight the disingenuous: I can fully subscribe to what Chris said there and can add games, giving talks using the phones usb-c output for DP, playing music not only with headphones but also car audio systems via BT (including song information in the cars dash), …

I wouldn't say we have still work to do but who hasn't? This might still be a niche compared to proprietary mobile OSes but there's plenty of people using phones like the as daily drivers.

@kop316 @marcellinusme Also an important point to some of us: AOSP is open-source, but its development is quite locked down, and only serves Google's interests... Working on a Linux-based distro gives developers more leverage to contribute and shape the ecosystem in a way that benefits the community, rather than one single company

@eccentricShaft @kop316 Even though there was a great progress there, I don't think OnePlus 6 has received as much attention when it comes to system integration as Librem 5 or even PinePhones did. I'd even dare to say that there's still a somewhat noticeable difference in that regard between PureOS and other distros - but I may be slightly biased ;)

@dosnostalgic The whole ending sequence right from the booby trap to the exit to the main menu is absolutely brilliant. I have played just the last few minutes (from the last autosave) of Portal 2 more times than I'm comfortable admitting 😅

Can I just say how much I love the ending sequence in Portal 2? I know these days a lot of big games try to do tv/film-like writing and stuff, but I honestly wish more games committed to doing stuff like this.

This week marks 18 months since I have been using a #librem5 as a daily driver. The first few months were probably the roughest, but I have not needed to use Android at all in those 18 months.

Today, I actually find it quite useable! It just works as a phone, and I can do everything I used to do on my Android Phone on it.

@grumpygamer I worked on a crowdfunded GNU/Linux smartphone. It physically exists for more than 3 years now and yet some media still consider outdated concept renders from before the campaign to be the best graphical representation of the topic 😜

@pafurijaz @kkremitzki Huh? That's a different device from an unrelated company. Librem 5 has a 1 year warranty and there's even user support provided.

@pafurijaz @kkremitzki Yes. Initially it was supposed to arrive after ~2 years, but first its development took longer than anticipated, and then the supply chain disruption made it impossible to produce at required scale until now.
Preorders from 2017 were ready in 2021 by the way, so it could have been shipped back then already had the shipping address been confirmed. Right now orders from 2021 and 2022 are being handled, and it's about a month away from catching up with all of them till today.

@craftyguy @cas @postmarketOS Yup, I think I had something like 1.8 scale set there. Deck has a pretty low DPI compared to phones.

@pafurijaz @kkremitzki It was a crowdfunded campaign to develop it. It did run late, but it doesn't take one week to design, develop and produce a device like this :P

@nasser Still enjoying some of those effects on my KDE Plasma setup 😁

HW/GPU vendors are very creative when using the available register space. Just pack some values in some unused bits of an already used register and call it a day. Takes some time to RE these things.

#etnaviv #mesa3d

@zwarf @devrtz Remove `-s` from postprocess invocation in /usr/share/millipixels/ (note that it will be overwritten with package upgrades)

It takes a few *times* longer at full res though.

@danct12 @w84death I have the original one, but its USB-PD issues are much more... uhm, binary :P It just doesn't work with PD sources at all unless you slightly pull the plug in a way that makes one of the CC lines not connect, because otherwise it doesn't correctly signal the charger to start providing voltage.

@w84death Not a big deal, Debian with task-desktop takes 4GB and can be easily made much lighter:)

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