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Just for fun - a day's worth of temperature data as collected by seven different sensors all next to each other (MCP9700A, BMP180, BMP280, DHT11, AHT20, SHT30 and DS18B20). Note how the offsets used on the second graph are all within the stated accuracy of their respective sensors 😊

Worth noting that MCP9700A data is negatively affected by poor ADC that I used (D1 Mini's ESP8266) and doesn't actually represent the quality of the sensor itself. All the other sensors are digital though.

Well, this solves the mystery of several unsolicited "hi" messages I've been receiving from @movim's XMPP server lately (that I've been simply ignoring so far). Have a wonderful day folks!

Now that I have a phone that can run a recent Android version (none other than the Librem 5 🤪), I have spent some time on cleaning up our F-Droid repo with silly games of @holypangolin and mine for you to use ➡️

My name is dos; some call me Sebastian. I made dozens of small silly video and some slightly less small ones too. I'm one half of @holypangolin studio. Sometimes I pretend to be a musician, but don't get fooled. I'm also a living encyclopedia on a Polish rock band "Perfect". Trams are cooler than trains. The more caramel, the better. I've been using GNU/#Linux on phones for ages, which led me to work with @purism on the Librem 5. btw I use Arch, but I ❤️ Debian!

Federal regulations require me to warn you that Waydroid on Librem 5... is looking pretty good!

Waydroid has never worked with GPU acceleration on the Librem 5 so far... time to change that!

Dyzio may let you try it out, but judging from the look on his face you'll have to solve a set of his riddles first.

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Librem Social

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