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On the plus it's good to have a lot of information in the 'same place' and in a standard manor. I'm guessing that's why the UI/UX has not been improved over the decades.

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The worst thing on Linux is 'man' I hate nearly everything about this program.

Dean boosted you should start a quarterly bingo with your fellow maintainers. Everyone creates a card with the common sayings they receive.
Hopefully, it could help take the edge off and not animosity to community members.

@be @dos @kop316 @linmob @PINE64 @purism I feel like this is a good reason to relabel your master branch 'development' and say if the build I not from a release branch it's not supported.

@schratze this sounds like heaven up in the clouds 😇

@be @chartier what about make a Netflix doco?
It's too new age for free-to-air

I was thinking there will be an aggregator of streaming services and it'll cost the same as cable tv. I pay for Netflix but pirate the odd show from another service if a friends keeps talking about it. @eldaking

Work what!? I enjoying seeing most of your posts. I like following you because you give a different point of view to my own.

@dsfgs it's either Firefox, Chrome/Chrome-based or Safari. Firefox is the lesser of the three evils.

@RubbaDuxx @huy_ngo I tried that approach but my problem was way more complex and went down 'the stack'. I spent too much time banging my head before moving on.
Start with a problem that is within the code you want to learn. If the problem goes beyond the 'front' app, write it in the issue and find out/ask where the problem may be.
Triaging problems to where the fault maybe is very helpful for other developers.

@alcinnz simplicity would this be like putting all your files on the desktop and not all your apps? what about opening a search engine to do a calculation on another calculator?

Dean boosted

@alcinnz @tychosoft we also have to remember that 'open source' to them means 'weakly licensed, corporate-exploitable-without-giving-back' open source, *not* Copyleft. Never copyleft. Copyleft is a like a right angle (or a crucifix) to a vampire. it wouldn't play for me on YouTube but I found it on Spotify. Nice song, I like how it takes you through the different emotions with the same riff.

Dean boosted

@MrTWatson @blindscribe so you may think there may be an issue. This does not mean the vaccine is not working. There are only 2 rna vaccines so we may see a difference in the future. All vaccines *reduce* hospitalisations, death and transmission.

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