"Die frühere FDP-Justizministerin Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger ist wegen des großen Lauschangriffs zurückgetreten – heute installieren sich Menschen Abhöranlagen selber in der Wohnung" https://netzpolitik.org/2019/schmeisst-die-assistenzwanzen-aus-dem-fenster/
"[The Librem 5] will also have a removable battery, a feature that Apple long ago abandoned in the interest of svelte devices."
User empowerment is the best tool to curb online harassment.
@doctorow Great quote in your post:
> If we can't review the security of security devices, we shouldn't be reviewing them at all, should we?
Runs on Librem 5, Day 31 - Control Center
YouTube: https://youtu.be/kSexi9gX2c0
ArchiveOrg: https://archive.org/details/librem5day031controlcenter
Jetzt mach ich halt auch mal wieder bei so einem trendigen Hashtag mit: #ILikeMastodon weil die Leute hier so nett sind und ich hier eine Community gefunden habe,mit der ich interessante Gespraeche ueber sehr viele verschiedene Themen fuehren kann.Es ist auch das erste soziale Netzwerk,welches ich aktiv nutze.Ausserdem gefaellt es mir,dass eine Mehrheit hier sich so sehr fuer freie Software und fuer Datenschutz interessiert.Das zeigt mir immer wieder,dass ich doch nicht verrueckt bin,sondern die Normalos einfach einiges nicht verstanden haben.Und die Software hinter dem Fediverse,die gefaellt mir natuerlich auch.Alles unter freien Lizenzen und so viele Softwares und verschiedene Entwickler,die alle zusammenarbeiten,um gemeinsam etwas grossarrtiges zu schaffen.Danke dafuer und weiter so 👍
@codesections @tek
The reality is that RISC not only won the war with CISC, but has done so so rigorously and thoroughly that contemporary CISCs cannot even *exist* without it. No CISC architecture in production today wider than 8 bits directly executes CISC instructions. Not System/Z, not Pentium, and even Motorola's 68060 resorted to CISC-to-RISC conversion techniques.
The high-throughput data buses that drive the author's argument wouldn't be possible without RISC pushing the edge.
We are proud to unveil the final hardware specifications for the Librem 5 smartphone, set to begin shipping in Q3 of 2019.
Haha! Endlich haben wir ein ordentliches Argument gegen WhatsApp:
»Facebook announced earlier this year preliminary results from its efforts to move a global mass surveillance infrastructure directly onto users’ devices where it can bypass the protections of end-to-end encryption.«
The Encryption Debate Is Over - Dead At The Hands Of Facebook
🐧 New version: 0.5.0B (Bug fixed)
🎮 Title: The Fertile Crescent
✏️ Changelog: https://lincread.itch.io/the-fertile-crescent/devlog/92024/050b-critical-performance-bug-fixed
📕 Summary: A free (not libre) SP (vs IA) / MP (1v1) RTS game taking place in the Bronze Age
🏠 HomePage: https://lincread.itch.io/the-fertile-crescent
📖 Our entry: http://www.lebottindesjeuxlinux.tuxfamily.org/en/online/lights-on/
🎬 Video: https://www.youtube.com/embed/5z3DTu-78ko
🔖 #Linux #freeGame
Librem 5 Software Improvements
Just discovered that #Librem5 issue on porting #GNOME Contacts app was officially closed three days ago. \o/
Congratulations and thanks to Julian Sparber! https://source.puri.sm/julian.sparber
Runs on the Librem 5 Smartphone – Round 4: From playing music... to running a web server.
Librem One Design Principles: Services You Can Trust
RT @nicosemsrott
That's the kind of optimistic pessimism I like. https://twitter.com/CarterBays/status/1152648650725756928
"In this post we will outline the touchstones we have used to do just that–engineer trustworthy services that everyone can use... We hope it will facilitate communication with friends and colleagues as we hack towards a common goal…" #libremone #userstory #userpersona
🗣️🇩🇪 🇬🇧
Be excellent to each other
Free Software, privacy
Linux • KDE • Purism / Librem 5 fan