What The @#$%&! (Heck) is this #! (Hash-Bang) Thingy In My Bash Script
You've seen it a million times—the hash-bang (#!) line at the top of a script—whether it be Bash, Python, Perl or some other scripting language. And, I'm sure you know what its purpose is: it specifies the script interpreter that's used to execute the script. But, do you know how it actually works?
Librem 5 hardware update report for May 8th!
Including: Display drivers accepted upstream, Mesa, SMS, and compositor work.
For those of you using Librem Chat on Android, the latest version (0.1.4) removes any code traces from trackers left behind in the upstream Riot codebase (we had disabled them before but the code itself was still there).
Tech companies and online platforms have other ways to address the rapid spread of disinformation, including addressing the algorithmic “megaphone” at the heart of the problem, and giving users control over their own feeds. https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2019/05/censorship-cant-be-only-answer-disinformation-online
"Please try and use platforms that value open source firmware components. Chromebooks are a great example of this, as well as Purism computers."
Here's a list of my 3 favorite podcasts for tech-life:
Linux Podcast and general GNU paraphernalia talk. @klaatu is the host with his nice coffee breaks and Slackware as a base.
@lunduke hosts this podcast with his quirky humor and fun projects! I don't know his favorite/current distro. 😔
@linuxjournal puts this one on. They also have interesting discussion about the whole tech world.
So, Mr. @lunduke Sir, here I am.
As I said, I'll follow you everywhere 😉
🗣️🇩🇪 🇬🇧
Be excellent to each other
Free Software, privacy
Linux • KDE • Purism / Librem 5 fan