I like the clear interface of #puremaps - it would be a great tool for following a planned route (#navigation), but didn't find an option to include a ready made route to follow.
But there might be another app out there to use such a ready planned route while on the road.
Started looking for a substitute to #osmand for #mobian. So far as I didn't find anything being near.
I’d expect the following features
* using maps and routing completely offline with an option for bike routing (would be o.k. to have an option to avoid e.g. highways)
* setting multiple waypoints to plan a round course
* insert points where I do not like the proposed routing
* block roads (running into unexpected road constructions)
Found #brouter-web which is an incredible for planning.
LG Rolly #Keyboard connected via #bluetooth to #pinephone. Works great :) . Still looking for a way to (temporarily) disable the on-screen keyboard...
Still running #mobian on my #pinephone. Fiddled around with #openvpn and #networkmanager to use my #pi-hole dns behind the vpn connection.
Didn't get it to work using #systemd-resolved, but seems to work nice just using resolv.conf.
For this to work I had to define the openvpn connection in nm-connection-editor (started from King's Cross). It didn't fit on the screen.
Using the script scale-to-fit it is possible to tell Phoc that the windows of nm-connection-editor should be scaled to fit :)
Using ssh it just configures as on any other Debian :) - just great! Activated my nextcloud account and a minute later I had address book and calender filled. Incredible!
...well, o.k., this didn't work. Cannot edit the fields in the window for the vpn connection.
#mobian on #pinephone: logged in via ssh to the #pinephone and started nm-connection-editor which shows up like expected on my desktop from where I logged in. Will try to configure openvpn...
Any plans for 10"-12" version of the Pinebook Pro? I'd take one, but 14" is just too yuge for me.
This account moved to @chris