@kuketzblog Auch von den kommerziellen Kleinanzeigen Portalen genervt?

Schau mal hier: codeberg.org/flohmarkt/flohmar

ist hoffentlich bald auch ein Kandidat für das [Fediverse Schaubild](kuketz-blog.de/das-fediverse-u)

It seems to have happened without much fanfare, but about a month ago @purism has released the Librem 5 hardware layouts under GPLv3 (as original PADS and converted KiCad projects), joining the schematics that were already available from the start.


"Dröge räumte aber ein, die Grünen hätten sich eine noch klarere Verantwortung der einzelnen Sektoren gewünscht."


Dann hätten Die Grünen nach ihrem Gewissen abstimmen sollen.

Das enttäuscht mich sehr und ich bin froh, dass ich Mitglied der [Deutschen Umwelthilfe](duh.de/presse/pressemitteilung) und nicht der Grünen geworden bin.

I tried to stop #Thunderbird/#Firefox from using the #pulseaudio socket of #pipewire because of a bug in Debian that renders the audio daemons useless after some time: sockets do not get closed and the only way to get audio back when there are no sockets left is to restart.

The way I tried to do it didn't work completely. #Firefox still opens sockets to the pulseaudio daemon - even though the processes show that they run in an environment containing PULSE-SERVER=unix:/dev/null.

Any ideas how I stop firefox using that pulseaudio socket? Mount namespace - does it include sockets? A restriction on a systemd slice (cgroup) I could use?

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That looks really great! Can't wait see it filled with life.

Meanwhile I'll share my solution. I'm an #email user since more than 30 years and I'm running my own email server since nearly the start of it.

The lack of having a reliable email client for my #Librem5, my sons #pinephone and #MobileLinux in general bothered me a long time. #Geary didn't fit my needs and #Thunderbird which I use on my desktop is no option for mobile devices, yet.

I ended up using #tangram to access a #selfhosted #snappymail.

@pi_crew@social.project-insanity.org @alice@mk.nyaa.place

A #riddle. There are two pitfalls in this code. One cloaking the other. Can you see them?

#!/bin/bash # generate a random string of length '$bytes' using characters from # expression '$chars' generate_random_string() { local bytes=${1:-24} local chars=${2:-'A-Za-z0-9'} dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1 count=1111 2>/dev/null \ | tr --complement --delete "$chars" \ | sed --quiet 's/\(.\{'"$bytes"'\}\).*/\1/p' } # function generate_random_string is meant to be used in different # scripts in contexts like: # generating a random password echo "password = '$(generate_random_string)'" # generating a 64 byte seed base64 encoded echo "seed = '$(generate_random_string 86 'a-zA-Z0-9/+')=='"

Hey #flohmarktys! Really, I sold the first thing on flohmarkt. It's new owner communicated with me through fediverse DMs.

My flohmarkt is running on a #sbc #Rock64Pro at the moment and my #yunohost exposes the https URL as a reverse-proxy using the app redirect.

This way my yunohost takes care of providing and renewing the Let's encrypt certificate. flohmarkt as an application connected to the #fediverse needs a trusted cert so the other fediverse instances can talk to it.

I'd like to get back my RockPro64 to have it ready for other purposes and started integration of flohmarkt into yunohost to move my flohmarkt onto the yunohost.

If you'd like to help testing your issues on codeberg are very welcome.

Let's make flohmarkt bigger so there'll be a lot more people to offering and looking for whatever information, help, goods someone might care to exchange with their fellow #flohmarktys! 🙃

@grindhold@23.social 😘

Need to upgrade. I thought I could wait for the first #yunohost integration of #flohmarkt, but there are still too many rough edges. Anybody wants to help with it (testing is very welcome also)?


yeah! images an inseraten sind in #flohmarkt jetzt auch editierbar. und ganz neu: auch löschbar (das gilt auch für den "neues inserat"-dialog)!

Chili Samen zu verschenken
Verschenke Samen für Chili CA13 Sipka Zitronen, Capsicum annuum. Knallgelbe Chili mit guter Freilandeignung und fruchtig-scharfem Aroma. Ich hatte die Chili letztes Jahr im Garten und es war eine tolle Ernte. Ich habe noch Samen übrig. :: This is a small ad on https://flohmarkt.ween.de - Please respond with a direct/private message.


#OpenWRT + #Packetfence:

On an unencrypted registration SSID authorized a client through a portal page.

Then showed the client via dpsk (dynamic pre-shared key) provisioner login data for the encrypted SSID to connect to a network with internet access.

When the client connects to the unencrypted SSID it gets redirected to a portal to enter an email address (and possibly other data). Packetfence sends an email to a pre-configured address (owned by the sponsor) containing a link to approve the request for access.

The client waits on a portal html page for the sponsor to click the link. After the sponsor clicks the link to approve the request the clients web page reloads and shows the name of the encrypted SSID to connect to and a password for the connection.

Next step to accomplish: configure OpenWRT (hostapd) and Packetfence to allow the usage of the PSK to connect to the encrypted SSID.

BTW: Testing this I'm using #deskhop to switch seamlessly between my notebook and my #Librem5 which I use as a test client for the wifi connection to the OpenWRT access point.

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Librem Social

Librem Social is an opt-in public network. Messages are shared under Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 license terms. Policy.

Stay safe. Please abide by our code of conduct.

(Source code)

image/svg+xml Librem Chat image/svg+xml