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You're losing customers that way as they turn to products that don't require these kind of apps.

A public website accessible via any web browser makes not only us but also you independent from Apple's and Google's duopoly.

(Boosts appreciated, let's not get forced more and more into proprietary app stores)

2️⃣ /2️⃣

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Dear companies,

please don't make having access to Google's or Apple's app stores to use your products a requirement.

This locks so many of us out because we either don't have a compatible device or the device doesn't have the software to access these services (like google play services).

1️⃣ /2️⃣

In case you want to support my work on and financially i've added some options to

phosh 0.36.0 is out 🚀📱:

Besides lots of smaller improvements and fixes the long press delay to unfold OSK is now configurable and you can rearrange your favorite apps in mobile settings (with GTK >= 4.13.12).

Check out the full release notes at

#phosh #librem5 #gnome #linux #mobile #LinuxMobile #MobileLinux

@fosdem starts in about 9 hours now, so before I go to bed, I have to remind you all that starting 10:30, the "FOSS on Mobile Devices" devroom will welcome you and host an impressive number of quality talks about #LinuxMobile.

I'll even present myself, sharing some updates about @mobian at 17:30:

#MobileLinux #LinuxOnMobile

I also made a quick port to @agx s Livi as its code base is pretty similar. So I hope we'll have one or two real video players making use of the passthrough feature by default for #GNOME46

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I finally resumed work on the MR that allows for a non solid background in 's overview. There still some lose ends, but it's progressing:

#FOSDEM 2024 will be happening in a bit more than 1 week in Brussels!

Catch my talk "From phone hardware to mobile Linux" on Saturday morning or "Open Source for Sustainable and Long lasting Phones" (together with @agnes007 in the big Janson room!) on Sunday afternoon!

Or come by the postmarketOS (+friends) stand in the AW building!

I hope to see you there!


I'm so happy to announce that the first NPU driver has been accepted in Mesa.

Have written a bigger update to celebrate this and properly thank everybody who has been supporting me in this amazing trip so far.

#vivante #npu #etnaviv #mesa

In order to not bore people interested in with my other ramblings/boosts (and the other way around) we've setup a dedicated account @phosh. It made it to >350 follows in not even two days which is great 🚀 thanks a lot for your interest!. 🤩

(I'll keep boosting phosh related things here for a little bit to ease the switch)

We've tagged version 0.0.5 of gmobile (a small library for glib based mobile Linux projects).

Among other changes it adds support for the #FairPhone5's notch and updates the #FairPhone4's information. This will help #phosh to handle UI element placement for these devices automatically.

Thanks @awai , @z3ntu and Jan Beich for the contributions.

See for details

Hello 🌏 ! This is #phosh's mastodon account. It'll have phosh's release announcements and posts/boosts of related projects. Looking forward to an interesting and bright Linux mobile future 📱 .

I've released version 0.0.6 of livi - the little video player for mobile:

While this also adds a bunch of new features like language and subtitle selection it mostly moved things closer to the designs. We have a wide mode for docked/desktop mode now and autohiding of panels, etc.

@agx I justed wanted to ask, where my beloved onscreen keyboard button has gone, but then I saw the release notes to 0.35. Long press the new button at the bottom! Long live the phosh OSK! Great solution! Thank you #phosh #pinephone

If you are not happy with your on-screen-keyboard (#squeekboard) on Mobian, you might want to try out #phosh-osk-stub which is @agx's toy keyboard. I like the layout a lot, apparently it even features local text prediction (have not tried that yet).
Remember, it is a toy, so hold back on your support requests.

Installation TL;DR: apt install phosh-osk-stub && update-alternatives --config Phosh-OSK

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