Ever since doing the initial completion support in #phosh 's osk-stub I wanted to add a generic "unix pipe" like completer. phosh-osk-stub would feed the program preedit on stdin and read the completions from the program's stdout.
That is there now and with that and some more changes I can use @zachdecook 's #swipeGuess to do swipe like typing. To be clear: all the hard work is done by swipeGuess, phosh-osk-stub just piggy backs on it:
Video is at 1 x speed
- @zachdecook's swipeGuess: https://git.sr.ht/~earboxer/swipeGuess
- phosh-osk-stub's pipe completer: https://gitlab.gnome.org/guidog/phosh-osk-stub/-/merge_requests/76
- you also need https://gitlab.gnome.org/guidog/phosh-osk-stub/-/merge_requests/77 to avoid having to lift your finger
Is this coming in the nearish term to the repo? Or is your advice to build from source of we want it on our Librem 5?
@zachdecook @dperson squeekboard doesn't like to be replaced (https://gitlab.gnome.org/World/Phosh/squeekboard/-/issues/361) . phosh-osk-stub can replace itself though (that's what I'm usually using). If you don't want to use the debian package and `update-alternatives` you can add phosh-osk-stub to /usr/bin/osk-wayland .