Fueled somewhat by a heavy dose of imposter syndrome for being a mechanical engineer who spends his professional time writing software and managing a team of DevOps engineers, I have started going through SICP and another course on data structures and algorithms. May not help any with the imposter syndrome but it’s at least interesting.
"Today was my last day at Oracle, and thus also in the MySQL team. [...] MySQL is a pretty poor database, and you should strongly consider using Postgres instead."
Open position on my team for a data analyst in the #emobility sector based in The Netherlands
This is one reason why the shift from a trackpoint mouse to a touchpad wasn't as big a deal as I thought it would be, even though I used to be as die-hard about it as other Thinkpad users. I just don't use the mouse that much in either case.
I imagine folks that do everything from a web browser won't understand, but I can't stress how important keyboard-friendly UI is for speed. It's even more important with typing-heavy apps like chat. Every time my hand moves to a mouse it slows everything way down.
Pick a random consumer device lying around your house and imagine someone coming across it after 70 years of neglect. Part of the device no longer works. Would they be able to fix it? https://puri.sm/posts/beyond-right-to-repair/
If you were wondering how to get the Bluetooth to work on your Librem 14 it's pretty simple - just install the non-free firmware-atheros from Debian Bullseye. If you're not sure how to do that:
Purism's App Developer, Dorota Czaplejewicz shows how she used PulseAudio to play sounds from the laptop on her #librem5 📢
How do you fund free software sustainably? In this post I talk about some of the main approaches, the problems with some funding models, and specifically how (and why) Purism takes the approach we do. https://puri.sm/posts/how-purism-funds-free-software/
I like to work with my hands. That may mean hammering out solutions to complex problems in #Python or #Rust, building things in my shop, or spinning yarn to knit something warm. You’ll likely see some of all of that here. By day (and sometimes night) I keep >13k nodes and services alive in the Electric Vehicle sector.
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