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ZachIR boosted

We are living in an age where everything from clothing to furniture to technology is cheap and disposable. The assumption is that nothing lasts, so one might as well buy the cheapest thing and throw it away when it inevitably breaks. Nowhere is this more true than the phone market, but it's something we want to change with the Librem 5.

@kyle I am reading the article now, on my laptop from 2013/12 that runs absolutely beautifully with Artix Linux. Can I render content in the blink of an eye? No. Do I have software which lets me get everything I need done? Absolutely, and I can do it quickly. Thanks to the power of GNU/Linux. I think this is the kind of mentality that should be enforced in all technologies.

@lunduke for release as a binary package, I would say you only really need to release a .deb file, because there's debtap to convert to an arch package, and alien to convert to an rpm. So really, .AppImage and .deb are the way to go imo

Let this be another of many lessons not to trust Facebook:

"I Screwed Up... -_- Don't Fall for This FAILbook Scam! "

@lunduke my offer still stands to make you a gopher hole as a front end to your mp3 vault. You know you want to enjoy some gopher, ;)
Maybe you could get it on Veronica somehow.
You can also run gopher and any web server at the same time on the same server, since gopher just uses port 70

@lunduke Heck yeah! I've been subbed for a while now on LBRY According to the IRC, you don't have to press control for each key. For example, you can hold <CTRL> while you press x and then + or -. Also, in that particular case I think you just have to press C-x and then +, not C-+. I haven't tried it myself, but a couple of people have been meaning to give you some emacs tips, although I can't remember their nicks

I'm looking for a nice, minimal word processor for my phone. Something like , but a GUI program for Android. If someone knows of something that would fit the bill, I would appreciate it; it shouldn't be that hare for me to write one, bit I'd prefer not to have to. Perhaps @lunduke might know of something? I can use wordgrinder in Termux, but I'd like something a little more native, which can render bold and italic styles, and differently sized headings. Right now I'm using Markor.

I would like to thank the team making this Thanksgiving for all the hard work that has gone into making an awesome Android alternative. I think sometimes we (or at least I) take for granted the work that people put into apps to make them easy and effortless to use. I would also like to thank the team for making a rockin awesome distro, and supporting init freedom!

home. So I continued, trying distro after distro, Miyo after Gentoo, and yet there was always something which drew me back home, back to Artix. Whether it be the joys of Runit, the vast landscape of the AUR, or the occasional joy of fixing little things that break every once in a while, without the pains of major breakages occurring without reason. I have found my linux home, and gosh darnit, I am staying here.

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Sometimes, in life, you see that the world outside of your bubble looks rather enticing, and maybe you would be happier if you had a sampling of it. Such has been my desire to switch Linux distros, for no other reason than to see if the grass is really greener. And when I accidentally broke my Artix install, I had the perfect excuse! The journey has led me far, through thither and yonder, fraternizing with Devuan, sampling Void, experiencing Venom, tasting Slackware; and yet, I did not feel at

@jv1783 @lunduke that sounds pretty good, I might have to give that a shot

@Jelv @lunduke that does look promising! Seems like it might be a little overkill for what I need, but I don't have a problem with that ;)

@lunduke hmm, ok. I don't know how I could get data from there connected to my laptop, but I'll look into it! Thanks for the recommendation!

@lunduke I'm looking for a little palmtop-style computer, with the ideals of 1- being able to run a rad operating system (DOS, FreeDOS, AmigaOS, maybe even Linux/*BSD) and 2- having some means of getting information off of it when I need to transfer data to my regular setup. I anticipate having to save up for it, but I'd like recommendations on what I should be looking for. I don't want a GUI (I'd mostly just be running wordgrinder and vim) & I anticipate not having a working network connection. @switchedtolinux in record time!*

*unverified statistic

@lunduke I have thought of a challenge idea: go one full day (24 hours) without connecting to the internet in any way. I am sure it would be more challenging for you than most, given your channel and occupations, but I think it could have some interesting results. I am going to give it a shot, starting from midnight tonight, to see if I can do it. (It just needs a trendy hashtag)

Foo Fighters and programming; this is how I want to spend my days now MrGFY has a link I told him I could share with you (none of us on the irc know an email we could send it to).

The link:

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