PSA: I'm stepping down from putting together an STF application for 2025.
Reflecting on our experiences with the STF project last year, I no longer think the GNOME Foundation is a good venue to organize development collectively. Even if the Foundation's current issues are fixed, we've seen how risky it is to centralize development in a single structure.
My hope is that we'll learn from this and find more sustainable, decentralized ways of organizing going forward.
I've been experimenting with @agx 's phosh-osk-keyboard , and hacked together a script to automatically change the shortcuts based on the window titles. #mobilelinux #hymo
Seems some of phosh's features could use some marketing 😃 . Anyway: I've just added how to use swipeGuess in the manpage:
Can we have an abstraction over these UI toolkits/libs so apps can target multiple UIs without thinking too hard about it? 😅
Just your average linux user (above-average computer-person) with fullstack web dev experience.
Views of my employer do not reflect mine.