Have been experimenting this last week with serving different bible translations over gemini. All scripts in gemini://gemini.zachdecook.com/cgi-bin/
esv.sh - great formatting, but rate limited by upstream
net.sh - no paragraph or section breaks, but haven't been rate-limited yet
oeb.sh - reasonable formatting, missing most bible books, self-hosted
lsv.py - minimal formatting, no section breaks, self-hosted
Pocket Paint is the only painting/image manipulation android app I recommend.
I especially love layers, and how the bucket fill uses transparent colors.
The only feature which is lacking is semi-transparent image masking.
@gdroid@mastodon.technology #org_catrobat_paintroid #fdroid_app_comments
We need to talk about matrix.org
This is 002 of #100DaysToOffload
Added the option to see each 1-bit channels per line, and the assembled 4-colors result.
Added some features I liked from Acme, right-click to find the next instance for a word.
When I start using a new program, usually I spend some time changing the keyboard shortcuts to what I'm used to. This sometimes involves learning a new configuration file format. In the case of ~rabbits/left, it was very easy, as the 'configuration' is just a couple of functions in the c source code.
@zachdecook @akkartik I use a mouse and it feels pretty great :D
Recently added support for SVG chord symbols on my chordbook gemsite.
As it turns out, many gui #gemini clients (deedum, lagrange, amfora) have atrocious svg support
Probably will look into it for lagrange in the future.
Today, I calculated the meter of each 'letter' of #psalm119 using https://github.com/christian-classics-ethereal-library/hyphenator
The word "blessed" is counted as one syllable, but we can make it split it into two.
Anybody interested in a user-friendly editable #wiki on #gemini?
I've written the first two pages, please see
Powered by lists.sr.ht and updated every ten minutes by a crude cron job script. (No conflict resolution yet, but all changes are saved in the email list, so nothing is lost).
@sir see ya on :1965
@sir At least to some degree (I think) this is explained here https://www.raptitude.com/2010/07/your-lifestyle-has-already-been-designed/
Related: I don't trick Vim out to be an IDE-alike, and neither should you. I use mostly vanilla Vim:
I use a second terminal and shell commands to do various tasks I might ask of an IDE, such as building the software, finding compile errors, bulk find or bulk replace, using tools like grep, sed, awk, make, etc. This approach is very flexible - almost any task can performed and almost any question answered without having to use rails laid down by IDE designers - but also practical, because they can be turned into re-usable scripts.
Good reference if you lack shell proficiency:
@purism I was unable to find the place where you explain how that funding will be used (allocating internal developer time to work on the apps, paying upstream developers…). Can you point me to that page?
Just your average linux user (above-average computer-person) with fullstack web dev experience.
Views of my employer do not reflect mine.