. @wholesomedonut wants to see technology as it is: "a miraculous, marvelous invention whose original intents have long been uprooted by a society full of greed and indifference"
I hope you're able to get free from the vitriol and set your mind on higher things. (Unfollowing negative accounts helps, but maybe taking a break from the fediverse would be best).
starting to try to compile #organicMaps on a raspberry pi zero... it's armhf, so if the problem (running it on the pinephone) is architecture based, this will likely also fail.
@ChiaChatter I use links. It has a graphical version (links -g) which has a similar interface but can display pictures and different sized fonts (though few distributions package the graphical version).
Which got me thinking more about #usfm2gmi:
If I were to make a #bible gem-app, what feature options would be desired?
Would any of the following be useful, and how should they look in #gemtext?
* notes (currently in square brackets)
* cross-references (currently in parentheses)
* word references (I experimented once with putting Strong's references in superscript)
* red-lettering (ideologically, I disagree with this)
* section titles
* chapter divisions
* verse numbers
Wrote a little #awk script to create an outline of the #openEnglishBible gemini://gemini.zachdecook.com/cgi-bin/oebindex.sh so you can navigate the bible without thinking about the verse and chapter numbers.
@josias@theres.life The huge draw of the fediverse is the in-order timelines (I used to like instagram > 5 years ago), and, of course, the interactivity (I still use an RSS reader, but rarely comment on blogs b/c of JS reqs like CAPTCHA). Microblogging here makes it easy to comment, share projects that I do or like with others who share that interest.
What I don't like about mastodon is the public nature (not that you can't do privacy on the fedi, but it's not well suited to that).
Was reading #linbits by @linmob and feeling kind of left out, running #postmarketos 21.03, so I upgraded to master/edge. It broke phosh startup, but was fairly easy to fix by (plugging in a keyboard and) removing some unused packages and running `apk fix`.
@ChiaChatter I can't visit your site anymore because your 'Antispam by CleanTalk' plugin falsely has marked my IP address (dig a funk.zachdecook.com) as spam.
@linmob @pocketvj @Saroufim The big difference between the linux (desktop) version and the android version is that it uses a side-bar instead of a bottom bar. There are also some UI elements which are clunkier than their android counterparts. And routing seems to be either broken or unusable (this was built from git tag 2021-06-20) #organicMaps
@pocketvj @linmob @Saroufim I've successfully compiled it on my laptop (x86_64 manjaro), so it's probably either an #alpine/#postmarketos problem, or an #arm one.
Has anyone tried compiling #organicmaps on #manjaroArm?
thought i would compare mastodon clients for mobile linux.
Compiled and set up #tootle . #GnomeSocial is still compiling dependencies. One of these is written in #rust , can you guess which one? (this experience makes me want to learn #vala)
@pocketvj @linmob @Saroufim but many tests pass:
mwm* tests❌
Other routing tests❌
@linmob or not... 84% done...
@linmob compilation 71% complete (less than four hours left!). Maybe I should figure out cross-compilation from laptop to pinephone...
Just your average linux user (above-average computer-person) with fullstack web dev experience.
Views of my employer do not reflect mine.