I was running a personal funkwhale and friendica server on the same (at home) box (self-hosting = cheaper disk space).
funkwhale's ansible installer worked great in ubuntu. I was using nginx as my reverse proxy. No conflict with friendica, for which I used mariadb as db server.
Install bbcodes one. (It's a listing error)
Or https://github.com/AnySoftKeyboard/AnySoftKeyboard/releases/tag/1.10-r3
@bunni @fdroidorg@mastodon.technology @jeder
I guess they know about it already
Wow, a bug with @fdroidorg@mastodon.technology ??v
#anysoftkeyboard doesn't appear on F-droid
Their link is broken: https://anysoftkeyboard.github.io/download/
Though I'll be real: looking forward to when florisboard adds support for this.
Anysoftkeyboard has had swipe-typing for quite some time now. See "Enable gesture-typing [BETA]" in the Gestures setting page.
Why does it look like a sim card? Is that slot just for smart cards?
Says James "Chip" Henderson, expert at making ncurses-based drawing programs.
Do you play it with a controller, or on a keyboard? How are controls configured (where is the jump button, and where is the dash button)?
Pocket Paint is the only painting/image manipulation android app I recommend.
I especially love layers, and how the bucket fill uses transparent colors.
The only feature which is lacking is semi-transparent image masking.
@gdroid@mastodon.technology #org_catrobat_paintroid #fdroid_app_comments
We need to talk about matrix.org
This is 002 of #100DaysToOffload
Added the option to see each 1-bit channels per line, and the assembled 4-colors result.
Added some features I liked from Acme, right-click to find the next instance for a word.
When I start using a new program, usually I spend some time changing the keyboard shortcuts to what I'm used to. This sometimes involves learning a new configuration file format. In the case of ~rabbits/left, it was very easy, as the 'configuration' is just a couple of functions in the c source code.
Just your average linux user (above-average computer-person) with fullstack web dev experience.
Views of my employer do not reflect mine.