Started teaching myself how to use #sway this morning. Window manipulation feels fun. (I've always tended to organize windows in a tiling way).
Still need to port my xfce-shiftit script over (is there a command to get the current window's width?)
Also, I'm not sure about one thing: can you have a tabbed window inside a tiled layout? It's simple with programs that have tabs baked into them, but I want to have an alacritty window with multiple alacritty tabs.
Just make your whole paragraph a link. There's no shame in that, and it makes it easier to click!
One time a friend suggested my being error prone was a result of using a keyboard with low actuation force (Gateron clears). I think it makes me more efficient.
git config --add alias.statsu status
git config --add alias.sattus status
git config --add alias.satuts status
git config --add alias.stauts status
git config --add alias.astuts status
git config --add alias.tsatus status
git config --add status
git config --add alias.s status
alias gits='git status'
I usually say "marvelous", but sometimes ''mer-vay" if I'm feeling frenchy.
The fact that they removed view-source: (and haven't tagged the issue as a bug) is my biggest gripe.
> [some twitter followers] asked why I’m troubled by a core system component using hundreds of megabytes of memory to ... do nothing.
Well, they are using twitter... proprietary software users don't always have the best judgement.
> [some twitter followers] asked why I’m troubled by a core system component using hundreds of megabytes of memory to ... do nothing.
Well, they are using twitter... proprietary software users don't always have the best judgement.
Does the Snap Store Use Too Much Memory?
"We moved to GitHub because everyone's already there"
"We shut down the mailing lists because most of our users prefer to use GitLab in their web browser"
"We're rewriting in Rust because we don't really have any non-x86_64 users"
"We're leaving IRC because Discord is more user-friendly"
What all of these arguments have in common is that they exclude people, centralize infrastructure, and eschew free software for proprietary solutions, all in the name of some ill-defined measure of "progress".
I don't even get a local timeline, so I guess nothing to complain about here. But when half of my feed is from a specific instance, it makes me think about it.
"We have detected"... How did they do that?... using JavaScript?
How many of them addressed you by an incorrect first name?
Just your average linux user (above-average computer-person) with fullstack web dev experience.
Views of my employer do not reflect mine.