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@popey As a heads up that might affect you, I wasn't able to get the browser extension to work inside the Chromium snap (in pop!_OS, which I'm using for work). Works great every day for me in (deb-installed) Firefox.

@popey I've used KeepassXC (desktop with browser plugin) and KeepassDX (android) and Secrets (aka gnome-passwordsafe for mobile linux).

You can sync the password file using your favorite file-syncing system, or Nextcloud, which also has a webapp for viewing the passwords.

@Sage7225 e.g. don't build your community distribution on top of a commercial distribution. (this is why Linux Mint Debian Edition exists)

Facebook and federation 

@Blort @linmob Picking a favorite feature from a month would lead to some projects being overlooked (I'm never going to feature a project I don't care about). Instead, maybe we look at each project (we care about) and feature its most-important update when it happened. (so it's okay if 2 important things happened in one month).

We are rapidly approaching three years of Weekly Updates on #LinuxMobile! :tux: 📱🎉

Please help on with coming up a nice summary of all that time to celebrate! The pad for this is at

Thank you, @Blort for the great idea!

@jameschip If they really were her favorites, why would she always be "sick" when they try to invite her for dinner?

@mdrights Graceful quit is two-finger drag down. (three fingers for forceful) Props for prioritizing your quality of life, though. My SO used to complain a lot about missed calls in my pinephone stage, and I wouldn't wish that on anyone. That being said, I was curious that you ran Phosh instead of . The gestures and menus make more comfortable, and is a solid base. That's really sad about your bank requiring the app to log in to their website. I had given up on running modern (proprietary) apps before switching to mobile Linux: it pushes even normal people to upgrade their phone before they desire just so they can get a required update with "bug fixes and security enhancements".

@hamblingreen my nextcloud usage has been dwindling. I use anonymous uploads, password prote-ted (expiring) share, and occasionally news (RSS reader). Of the groupware, mostly caldav is one I rely on so my wife and I can share a calendar.

@hamblingreen What is 'feature-complete'? Will it support 'apps' like nextcloud does?

Released the firmware for the Controller on sourcehut (with automatic builds)
This is a real product (you can buy) that is mostly for playing music (but may some day be a )

@ministerofimpediments @popey
My wife clued me in to her family secret recipe: add Cold Stone coffee creamer to the eggs before scrambling. Don't add too much, or your eggs will taste like icecream!

@to3k You may find secrets (aka gnome-passwordsafe) to be a suitable keypassxc replacement (they aren't making their app adaptive)

@nixCraft I remember my first install attempt. Fresh off of Ubuntu, I heard it was a big deal. Got an ISO, launched it and... terminal... with no network connection. I wish someone had told me there was an that I should have open on another machine that already has a web browser and internet connection.

I wonder if anyone has thought about shipping the wiki on install ISO's...

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