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Do not leave this device under your pillow 

@addie @civodul @cwebber your partner is your code monkey, and you're the project manager. Even if you're not going to write any code, reviewing other's changes can be a great way to gain literacy in it: the free software world is not just fingers.

@hamblingreen I also hate that, because it means placing your trust in another fallible company. Using a decentralized network avoids this problem. XMPP, 'the standard protocol', is quite decentralized and easy to self-host. On the other hand MMS is also decentralized and people use it extensively. Personally navigating this myself. Knowing people have had success migrating smaller networks gives hope.

@hamblingreen @dcz I say "if you want to reach me, don't use facebook." There are (supposedly) a half-dozen messages I've missed over the last few months since logging in.
But it's nice to give people multiple alternatives: my family used email before escorting themselves into a walled garden, but sms is still pretty accessible. @linmob I was gonna ask the same thing, but my order is only (almost) three years old.

@anjan Change some things to refere to php8; a couple hours. See
It took a few days before the fixes got to the rest of alpine users.
Moral of the story: Don't upgrade your alpine installs on week 1 (unless you like debugging and contributing back).

i run nextcloud on alpine. only needs attention every 6 months.
last time it broke due to a big php update. expecting a better t this go around.

Accidentally left a mess of Legos on my bed and need it to sleep. Too much fun with and my Lego-Sieve (sieve plate designed in )


@hamblingreen do you use a keyboard shortcut, gesture, or the switch menu to use it?

My brother told me about the organizers (by internet personality Zack Freedman). Turns out it fits this little toolbox I had lying around. Doing some designs.

Please do theme our apps 

Please do theme our apps 

@alderwick Not that I know of. (of course that doesn't make it anonymous for the server operators) I mean it would take 2 days instead of 4 hours... but touché. Cars also take away space from us by compression. The world is a much smaller place because automobile transportation. What could be just a weekend trip to visit out-of-state family is impossible by train or bicycle.

@zachdecook Thank you for your feedback, this is the future plan!

@lupyuen "replacing a cracked screen costs more than just getting a new phone"
hits a little too close to home for me this week...

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Librem Social

Librem Social is an opt-in public network. Messages are shared under Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 license terms. Policy.

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image/svg+xml Librem Chat image/svg+xml