Made my own recipe for #eggnog tonight. (Rather than following some recipe online).
"Try not to curdle the eggnog. After you've curdled it, blend until consistent." 😅 If it's any good, maybe I'll share it.
@craftyguy should we instead distribute our malware with instructions to add our own key for easier updates?
@jameschip Can someone hurry up and make a POSIX-compliant fish-inspired shell?
@arlequin @PINE64 In my experience, applications run similarly across different environments (performance-wise). In SXMO with sway (SWMO), the display scaling is set for the whole desktop, rather than per-application as phosh does. In SXMO/dwm (xorg rather than wayland), scaling probably results in pixelation, so you'd probably config a scale factor of 1.
> While #Phosh is clearly the most popular UI across the board, it came as a genuine surprise to me how popular #SXMO and SWMO are in general and on #postmarketOS more specifically. I didn’t expect such a complex and unorthodox UI to gather such a following in a relatively short period of time. But to be clear, I think this is great. We also shouldn’t overlook that a sizable portion of respondents is indifferent to which UI they use as long as the experience is solid.
PinePhone community poll results are now available. Thank you to all those who took part in the questionnaire!
@f @jameschip which flavor of cron does this effect?
@ifixcoinops @djsundog @kelbot Is this actually useful at that zoom level? Do you use the keyboard with your thumbs, or fingers at arms-length? I think I have great eyesight, but I still like the fonts pretty big with the device 1 foot away from my face.
Posted an update on gemini, featuring #wvkbd #swipeGuess #suggPicker and other such #SXMO #mobilelinux developments.
@omgubuntu @postmarketOS @ollieparanoid Are you a distro maintainer who likes to change firefox's defaults? How much would you sell out for?
Linux Mint announces new partnership with Mozilla
If you've been exposed to Moxie Marlinkspike frequent rants about how people are dumb and lazy and we should have centralized systems for their happiness, André Staltz wrote a very good counterpoint (from @makeworld )
@neauoire Do you want someone to fix 'select by clicking and dragging right to left'?
That's one that carried over from c left (back when I wrote patches for c left).
Sxmo 1.7.0 was just released, featuring most of all lots of fixes and small improvements that should make daily usage easier. Thanks to the many contributors!
Release & upgrade notes:
One thing that gets me to actually use my pinephone is when the experience is better than on my android. `wvkbd -O`, micro, and senpai are examples. Hopefully tootle and gerbil get there this year, as fediverse and gemini are two things I use my phone for a lot.
(amd maybe an email and music app too)
Just your average linux user (above-average computer-person) with fullstack web dev experience.
Views of my employer do not reflect mine.