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I configured to use emojis for the clock time stamp. In related news: does anybody know how I can go about contributing my code change upstream to ’s stdlib?

@technomancy @mdhughes @GeoffWozniak Thing is, there isn't always an alternative to C. If you want to target unpopular OSes and architectures in constrained environments, "modern" langs like Rust won't work.

If you know a lang that can produce small + fast binaries for a vast array of non-mainstream platforms (x86, ARM, Linux, FreeBSD, macOS, and Windows are the mainstream ones), I'm all ears.

There are three reasons why C works on just about every platform under the Sun:

1. It's standardized, which makes writing a new compiler/backend much easier.
2. It's slow-moving, which makes it easy to maintain said compilers
3. It's old, so it has a lot of compilers/backends already built.

Achieving the first two of the above three qualities are quite essential to "replace" C.

Was thinking about how so much content on gemini is mirrored or converted from other sites (I'm guilty of this too). Isn't this why the protocol allowed for proxy requests? Maybe it's a client-capability problem. Anyway, started working on a proxy from to .

I want to learn awk so I can do cool efficient text pipeliney things (like start printing on match, stop printing on another match, or run such and such command on a subset of the stream), but everytime I look at a tutorial for it, I think "these aren't practical" or "this makes no sense".

@lastfuture How many fans do they have?

Under the sales model, they'd need 1 album every two years, and 120 fans willing to purchase that album for comparable income.

@kline And can you do that without being accused of censorship?

Hypothesis: posts that are outliers in engagement metrics (comments, score, etc) are more likely to be low quality/controversial/damaging to communities.

@apt yeah, like how do you add notes. I've tried clicking , control-clicking, right clicking, pressing buttons on keyboard, etc.

@apt Cool! It'd be nice if it actually worked, but at least 'macres' seems usable, and it does come with usable voice samples.

@alderwick @Kooda

Ooh, fun. Hope to see some cool mechanical keyboard stuffs.

@harblinger *grabs right arm, shifts weight to ball of foot, resets*

@apt How can it die? We don't even have a FOSS alternative yet!

Mini-project B from this week: Grande: a gemini client for Android (open source fork of a different client). Don't fall in love with it yet: I'll probably make lots of disruptive changes. Read about and download ... on gemini.


@clarity @neauoire very neat! Following to see how this goes. I'm much involved in using verovio to make SVGs (and midi) from musicXML, but it might be nice to see how a smaller project approaches this task.

Thinking about building a command line tool to create pngs of music notation so I can write about music theory on my wiki. Playing with @neauoire's nasu as a way to generate the sprites I'll be using.

tty = fopen_for_read(CURRENT_TTY);

Ah, thanks busybox. Just open the tty as a file :)

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Does anybody have a clue how less (and more) work internally? Do I need to read ALL of stdin before I can get controlled by the user?

Today I learned how to use `brltty` to make a "headless" microcomputer talk.

The important step is that you remove lightdm (and any other gui packages which might run as the login shell).

Works okay, except it only reads out the line the cursor is on, so it's still important to pipe commands through `flite -voice awb`

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