@apt Cool! It'd be nice if it actually worked, but at least 'macres' seems usable, and it does come with usable voice samples.
Ooh, fun. Hope to see some cool mechanical keyboard stuffs.
@harblinger *grabs right arm, shifts weight to ball of foot, resets*
@apt How can it die? We don't even have a FOSS alternative yet!
Thinking about building a command line tool to create pngs of music notation so I can write about music theory on my wiki. Playing with @neauoire's nasu as a way to generate the sprites I'll be using.
Today I learned how to use `brltty` to make a "headless" microcomputer talk.
The important step is that you remove lightdm (and any other gui packages which might run as the login shell).
Works okay, except it only reads out the line the cursor is on, so it's still important to pipe commands through `flite -voice awb`
Have been experimenting this last week with serving different bible translations over gemini. All scripts in gemini://gemini.zachdecook.com/cgi-bin/
esv.sh - great formatting, but rate limited by upstream
net.sh - no paragraph or section breaks, but haven't been rate-limited yet
oeb.sh - reasonable formatting, missing most bible books, self-hosted
lsv.py - minimal formatting, no section breaks, self-hosted
I was running a personal funkwhale and friendica server on the same (at home) box (self-hosting = cheaper disk space).
funkwhale's ansible installer worked great in ubuntu. I was using nginx as my reverse proxy. No conflict with friendica, for which I used mariadb as db server.
Install bbcodes one. (It's a listing error)
Or https://github.com/AnySoftKeyboard/AnySoftKeyboard/releases/tag/1.10-r3
@bunni @fdroidorg@mastodon.technology @jeder
I guess they know about it already
Wow, a bug with @fdroidorg@mastodon.technology ??v
#anysoftkeyboard doesn't appear on F-droid
Their link is broken: https://anysoftkeyboard.github.io/download/
Though I'll be real: looking forward to when florisboard adds support for this.
Anysoftkeyboard has had swipe-typing for quite some time now. See "Enable gesture-typing [BETA]" in the Gestures setting page.
Just your average linux user (above-average computer-person) with fullstack web dev experience.
Views of my employer do not reflect mine.