The OSK panel in mobile settings is becoming more complete. After adding layout selection last cycle, selecting the default text completer is on its way now too. The data is provided by the OSK so new completers are picked up automatically.
@agx swiping when? :)
@razze a bit more than a year ago: (hope it didn't get broken in the meantime by other changes 😃 ). Should we add that to the mobile settings options too? I was hesitant as I have no idea how much it is tested by people.
@agx I never realized - does it have to be turned or should it be on by default (I only have a phone flashed with gnome mobile right now)
Seems some of phosh's features could use some marketing 😃 . Anyway: I've just added how to use swipeGuess in the manpage:
@agx omg what we had swiping?? I was literally wishing for this feature! I'm going to enable it right away (so I guess at least one tester if you need one 😉)
@badrihippo Nice. Note that plugging in swipeGuess is the simplest approach. has more elaborate setup. Nice thing is that p-o-s doesn't need to be changed, just the pipe configuration needs to be adjusted.
@agx right, thanks for the tip! Maybe I should make it into a mini shell script for easier editing (otherwise looks like I have to restart the shell each time? Or can I just restart the keyboard somehow?)
@agx initial feedback with the simple setup: I tried with a re-sorted version of the `wbritish` dict (Debian repo). Unfortunately the key-drag is a bit *too* sensitive (either that, or swipeGuess is not skipping enough letters in its computation). Meaning that I get some random long word suggestions, but it's hard to type "hey" 😕
On the positive side, if I disable `key-drag` and type the *ordinary* way, swipeGuess is giving better suggestions than I've seen anywhere else. The fuzziness helps 😉
@badrihippo @agx
I usually get 'hey' for hey swipes, but sometimes hwy/hgwy. Enable multiple suggestions, and maybe cull some words from your list.
gsettings set sm.puri.phosh.osk.Completers.Pipe command 'sh -c "swipeGuess /path/to/words-qwerty-en_gb 5 | tr \"\t\" \"\n\""'
@badrihippo @agx I've been mulling over an idea in my head for better accuracy: run swipeGuess multiple times with various letter hitbox sizes (matches from the run with the smallest hitbox are preferred). Would require deeper integration with the host keyboard than we currently have.
@badrihippo @agx But as far as I know, the android open-source keyboards with swiping either don't work, or require a proprietary binary dependency, so I'm very happy we at least have something that makes typing more convenient. The proprietary ones lean (sometimes too heavily) on context for prediction, which at this state we haven't factored into the selection.
@badrihippo @agx technically the wordlist the makefile creates is not perfectly optimized for p-o-s or wvkbd (>= 0.14) because the bottom row is not staggered. (changes needed for mapScore). But right now, the two should work the same... aside from p-o-s reacting to text-input-unstable hints.