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I am self-hosting several projects on a simple server install which has accreted a ton of cruft over years and needs to be taken apart and rebuilt. The time and effort has me procrastinating.

What I want is an easy/tiny/fast proxy server, and then a separate box(es) with the hosted service(s), with panels including maintenance.

And to get there I would like a library of layman articles to explain the steps, which I would be happy to help write.

NB: Tolerance paradox (decision-making)

Yay! not impacted by this breach.

Boo! no $125.

Amgine boosted

Just discovered that issue on porting Contacts app was officially closed three days ago. \o/

Congratulations and thanks to Julian Sparber!

Another week on the ! Here's my for the week:

👏 @raichoo - Lovely human!

📳 @tuxdevices - News blog about on devices

👏 @agx - Lovely human!

🐑 @knittingsquirrel - Lovely human!


No spec has been released yet, but I hear ~14 mm regularly.

@foodplusdrink @purism First thing is the basics:
* making a call

After that I want to know if I can sync calendar/contacts with Nextcloud. But that is pure bonus. A Linux phone that does phone things is success in my book.

An intrguing development for project - the English edition is starting to post developing articles at @gry

Not a music service in the usual sense, but Sing Sing Bis ( and they have two stream accessible via plays a continuous stream of music from a mind-bending range of genre and artists, apparently without commercials. shared a video via matrix of development on :

"Here is the lastest video shared on the Phosh room. I expect a lot to change, but the UI is progressing fast those days :-)"


The thing I love about this is… *everything* uses this file open dialog in , and here you show it working even for software which have not been optimized for small screen/touch screen.

Looking forward to the optimized programs, but less worried about using Linux community in the meantime with videos like this one.

Amgine boosted

I really want to play with one of these 🤩

Networked knitting machine: not your average knit one, purl one 🌌
#RaspberryPi #rPi #knitting #knit #hack

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