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@tonymasiello @bradr3d please respect admins’ decisions about this. They are also trusted by their communities to curate the fediverse. If you are not happy about how your server handle things, you can always move servers ✌️

@baralheia I’m not sure it is possible on this end. Anyone can spin up an alternative instance of that doesn’t honour that since it’s open source. Stuff like that should be implemented on Twitter’s side

Working on a feature to help people find the people they want on the fediverse if they know their Twitter handle too

@Fangh I *think* that might happen if a tweet on the timeline gets deleted. I’ll look into that

@smallsco it’s something I want to add yes. I haven’t found yet good docs on the specs of that though. Hope I won’t have to reverse engineer that from mastodon/calckey

@smallsco an instance checker is a good idea! Won’t be 100% accurate for blocks though, since I don’t see if the instance is blocked, only that it has 0 followers from there.

Detecting if it’s not blocked will work great though

"NASA’s planetary science program is in trouble,” writes Shannon Hall in #ScientificAmerican. #MarsSampleReturn is running over budget, which is delaying other missions.

This. Is. Amazing.

Montréal suburb Brossard has a traffic light in a school zone that defaults to red, and only turns green when an attached speed camera detects a car driving under the speed limit.

The light is on a 90-day trial, on a 2-lane residential street. Similar signals are widespread across Europe.

Before it was installed, average vehicle speeds of 40 km/h. But in the past week, average speeds have dropped to 29 km/h.

#Montreal #VisionZero #WalkTO #BIkeTO

The social network is always bluer on the other side.

@ariadne making software for other people is overrated

Pushing around these little robot soccer players, from DeepMind’s “Learning Agile Soccer Skills for a Bipedal Robot with Deep Reinforcement Learning” paper.

The clear message I am getting from Bluesky is that black people felt unsafe on mastodon. Black Twitter was a huge part of what made it special, and it's been notably absent on mastodon. I will be sad if mastodon loses to a less-open alternative because it couldn't figure out how to be welcoming to everyone.

@radu this feature is more important to me than being easy to install. Also you are welcome to host a mirror on GitHub if you want

@fishcharlie @Mastodon Yes to work on mastodon too! That’s what I’ll be mainly using myself

It’s unfortunately not a given that ActivityPub makes everything work out of the box though, there are subtle things that create incompatibilities in practice.

On a more technical note: shoutout to that will give me all the data I will need to make this work.

Also currently federation <> Pixelfed is imperfect. Posts and accounts can be found but followed posts don't show up in the timeline. I believe there might something with the activity ( ) If a pixelfed expert could chime in here it will be very helpful to this project!

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So I'm officially starting work to port to other social networks, starting with Instagram. There is some code already written, and the domain is already bought:

It will be very bare bone at first, and there will be a list of supported accounts, but as I make it scale those limits will be removed. I also plan to add features that will specifically help , like federating stories.

Just get in a car and find somebody on a bicycle you'll be fine

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Some initial thoughts: The next iteration should decouple user content and instance. Right now your data is not under your control. You can migrate your account to another instance, but the data remains at the old place. If we could find a way where content is more tightly coupled to the user, not the instance, that would be a big step forward, IMHO.

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Librem Social

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