@briankrebs Exactly the reason I never use sms as a second factor or backup pw reset option. Even though I have several accounts suspended at various services due to me not providing my phone number to "improve the security"
@mntmn btw will there be barebone version of pocket available? eg. if i buy A311D and thus will have iMX8 available. Or just to buy a pocket with A311 and swap them then
@dcz @fosstodon I've read it as a brand logo for some reason
@shom @dcz @fosstodon yea I realized after posting that it's about public image rather than graphic image. Thanks for clarifying. So they are threatening to become you personal karma police.
@dcz @fosstodon did they remove the stance? I don't see anything about userpics or graphics
@SocialCommentaryBot @briankrebs lol born in Soviet Union (Ukraine) I have never seen this shit
@mhoye absolutely fabulous
@ondrej right I get your point but the budgets of cinema products are order of magnitude higher than music, you cannot just give it to all platforms _for free_ and wait till it will drip the money to cover the budgets+profits. Therefore they auction them to cover the costs _here and now_ to invest into next products. I.e. it pisses me off as well but I can understand why. Either budgets should decrease so that it will be a commodity or drips from views should increase tenfolds to generate profit
@ondrej isn't it called "market competition"? Single platform tending to "rule them all" - just look at twitter.
@dos oh ok now I get it
@dos I think he prepared so long for the speech that he decided he has already spoken and forgot to tell what was intended. Sometimes happens to me as well.
I migrated servers last week and boy did I develop some strong opinions about migration and the as-yet only semi-fulfilled promise of account portability.
If you're thinking about moving instances—or you'd like to know yet more about my dreams for better networks—here's a post you might want to read:
@mntmn RJ45
@tinkel dinosaurs at least didn't cause asteroid to fall.
@mntmn here - yes (bought battery holder upgrade), there - i didn't even know you have an account there.
@taylorlorenz while in reality it's just right-winged @