@dcz @fosstodon did they remove the stance? I don't see anything about userpics or graphics
@shom @dcz @fosstodon yea I realized after posting that it's about public image rather than graphic image. Thanks for clarifying. So they are threatening to become you personal karma police.
@ruff I think that's an uncharitable interpretation at best. I read it as, any behavior that's not tolerated on fosstodon will not be tolerated by the same person using a different account elsewhere (obviously in so much as those identities are publicly tied together).
I'm personally fine with that and everyone is free to make their own decision, another reason why choice is great on fediverse.
@dcz @fosstodon
@ruff @fosstodon "Brand image" is not an image, but a marketing term describing someone's or something's perception in the minds of the audience.
@dcz @fosstodon I've read it as a brand logo for some reason
@ruff behavior not image:
Federated accounts
Actions taken in public that reflect poorly on Fosstodon, or result in complaints about personal behavior will be considered a violation of our Code of Conduct. We will not be a safe harbor for bad actors.
This could include, but is not limited to, users of Fosstodon who have accounts on other servers and use those other accounts in a manner that would contravene this CoC.
Please note: the “English only” rule isn’t applicable here.
@dcz @fosstodon