@marcel_kolaja Tomu se rika - federace, jako mastodon je federacni sit a kdokoliv se muze pripojit do ne kdyz podporuje standard federaci (ActivityPub protocol). A stejne to je i s xmpp protokolem.
@sam The threshold is usually - "comparable to others" that is for another person to become my partner in coop he needs to contribute at least not less than myself. If there are more of us - to average of others' contribution. Similar could be applied to non-material, conversion from one to another though is always problematic (because is subjective)
@sam coop is always measured by contribution so yes, either material (money, hardware, hosting) or non-material (time, effort) contribution. The question is always - what is the threshold (after which contribution is counted as substantial) and how to measure / evaluate non-material one to match the threshold.
@primalmotion @purism Sure. i understand that, but such a unconditional statement that you have no choice... is the same as saying Windows and Mac are your only choices in PC. They are not. In mobile world it's harder, and I appreciate their effort with L5, but hey, don't push on emotions joining the horde of FUD-dealers.
@primalmotion @purism yes,
+ HA
+ Domoticz
+ openHAB
+ ioBroker
+ Homebridge
There's a plethora of platform for every taste, I don't quite understand this fixation (from Purism) on big-tech
@mntmn Excellent, thanks for headsup! Although I've burned out my creditcard already so ideally need to wait for refill window opening in two weeks. How much orders are you going to accept? I.e. is there possibility that it will run again out-of-stock in two weeks? I prefer CC payment but can make SEPA if the offer is limited.
@mntmn So... it's 6th week now. Just saying :)
@KekunPlazas @kyle @tbernard
Yes, the later. Any browser auto-spawn from url should open private tab. Only explicit launch should be normal (so not former).
@g @marcel_kolaja moje zkusenost rika naopak.
@g od r 2020 kdy se zacalo ockovat od covidu
@sam comment
Oh, nice, "Your Crowd Supply order has shipped!" - let see now what this little fella can do - https://www.crowdsupply.com/lite3dp/lite3dp-3d-printer . Decided to get SLA friend to my FDM old chap.
@vanitasvitae I think OpenSCAD is unrivaled therefore using it as well.
@kyle I think any vendor with FOTA can do that. the question is only whether with single click or multiple commands.
@g @marcel_kolaja Kamery ano, kdyz zalohuji data. Ne kdyz aktivne skanuji "neco" pro "nekoho". Kdyby bylo rozpoznavani prestupku (jako malware detection) to je jedna vec, ale kdyz rozpoznavani lidi (coz je trakovani) to je dost jineho.
@sam on computer - yes, on mobile device/ebook - would rather prefer epub, mobi or the likes
@mntmn so when realistically it would make sense to monitor eshop? So far I'm checking my basket every other day but it's all red ;(