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rik boosted

@kyle I regularly wear a digital, non-smart watch when my smartwatch has run out of power before the end of the day. And this happens to me frequently: I hear a notification on my phone and then check my non-smart watch to see what it is.

Great, a car from Apple. If some server in the States goes down, you won't be able to open the doors anymore.

Ik zit aan een glas Fanta en moest denken aan de manier waarop ze de enorme hoeveelheden frisdrank opslaan: in silo's.

Een prima oplossing, maar absoluut niet creatief: Fanta-silo's

rik boosted

A programmer was apprehended by authorities, while at work, before he had a chance to check in his code changes.

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@DigitalVerse Thank you! I like the starting and stopping friction.
I did not receive a notification for your toot; saw it by chance!

I thought double-jumping was easy, but I could not figure it out. Yesterday my daughter found a solution, which I turned into this. 👇
Turns out that it is indeed easy 🙂

De cumulatieve opbrengst van onze zonnepanelen is vandaag boven de 1 MWh uitgekomen

@kyle Thank you. Unfortunately it seems that no swap partition is included in my factory installation, so it will take some more effort. However, thanks to your mention of a "constant key" it seems to me that I can have both hibernation and encryption, which would be great. I thought that was not possible a few months ago.

Hi @kyle , could you offer some advice?
I have the out-of-the-box disk encryption on my Librem 15v4. I want to remove it, to enable hibernation. Would a complete reinstall of PureOS be necessary, or is there a less intrusive way? Thanks.

Hi Bryan @lunduke, will you pick up the 'Best OS... ever?' series again? Or did I miss the grande finale?
It doesn't feel very closure-y to me yet.

rik boosted

Linux users identify with their OS (ie "I am a Linux user") more often (a LOT more often) than Mac, Windows users.

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.@kyle I read the message in disbelief and with disappointment. Good luck to all of you and thank you!

rik boosted

When listening to the "MS-DOS 6.22 - Best OS... ever?" podcast, I realised that @lunduke actually sounds a lot like Agent Smith.

At about 2:37 minutes in, when he says "... but you could live in Windows and never leave it...", I automatically appended "... Mr Anderson" to that sentence :-)

De Leeuwinnen kunnen de druk na 1-0 *wel* aan. Omdat ze niet zulke ego's hebben als de mannen.

rik boosted

These are hardware kill switches.

Not a webcam cover. Not software disabled Wi-Fi. Kill switch.

Laptops should have these.

Ours do.

@purism As I am reading your article, my phone battery happens to be at 42%

The @purism Librem 5 smartphone will run GNU/Linux.

Why will it succeed, when others did not? Is it the hardware kill-switches?

Yes, but mostly it is the all-out privacy and security. The time is right. This era calls for it.

rik boosted
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