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PR strategy re: purism/techbros 

purism, librem one, meta, CAPS buy anything that can run Linux, librem and system 76 seem to be the best two to pick

riahenry boosted

"This is a GAME CHANGER! Purism's ETHICAL services are HERE!"

- @gbryant (aka "The Linux Gamer")

riahenry boosted
riahenry boosted

@selea actually if I'm reading this blog post right, it suggests that #KDE is shipping as a secondary default DE in #PureOS and has for some time.

riahenry boosted

@Maltimore @purism I think the effort is part of the phone effort. I think they’re setting up email, secure messaging, VPN etc for their phone through this service. Of course there will need to be versions of the apps.

That said, I am very impatient to get my hands on the ! My phone is getting old as well.

riahenry boosted

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"If you are being harassed, or witness online harassment, block and flag the offending user, and a moderator will take action. We do not tolerate harassment."

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@purism YES 🎊 😁 👍

Hopefully we can get this to 100% before I start college so I can enjoy all these beautiful services.

@javier @erikstl @purism I think people should only be banned from global timelines and have an opt in/out setting to see it locally, that way if I want to see content that others seem "hateful" I still can. Just blocking them from users who don't want to see it would be better then blocking from everybody or nobody.

Because other instances do not want to block us, but they feel they need to and moderating what goes out will help them avoid blocking everything here.

@purism @Purism @librem why don't you rename librem one to librem zero and make a smart watch?

@mastadon11 @Gargron holy moly you only need to post it once

@purism @purism
Make an alternative to the timelines that's just a live feed with no algorithm or AI to sort anything, it won't be the timeline we want but it'll be the timeline we need to convince us to not have a timeline

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