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petrisch boosted

Liebes Pro-Linux-Team, danke dafür, dass ihr 22 Jahre lang über #FreieSoftware berichtet habt! Ihr werdet mir fehlen. Viel Erfolg bei neuen Vorhaben oder einfach nur einer wohlverdienten Pause.

petrisch boosted

Introducing Inkscape 1.0! After a little over three years in development, we're excited to launch this long-awaited version for Windows and Linux (and the macOS preview) Watch the release video ( and download it here:

Note: If the download link doesn't work, check back a little later. The files are being propagated across our CDN.

petrisch boosted
petrisch boosted

It’s another 2 weeks, so here’s another 30 new fixes and features in the v0.0.200428 #BlenderBIM Add-on release! Get it today:

Highlights include bundled classification system selection including Uniclass and Omniclass, create and consume property set template definitions, reload IFCs, import/export with CSV, and section planes!

Full release notes:

#blender #openbim #b3d #ifc #opensource #freecad

petrisch boosted

See today's new BlenderBIM Add-on feature demo: creating section planes! Section planes can cut through your model to expose the guts of it.

Break the Autodesk monopoly. Support free software.

#blender #blenderbim #openbim #b3d #ifc #opensource

petrisch boosted

Small teaser of the #WebKitGTK cleanup work done today for context menus. It doesn't look like much but using GtkPopoverMenu paves the way for GTK4 and also fixes years old bugs related to menu positioning. Bonus: the patch will actually remove more code than it adds :bongoCat:

petrisch boosted

I had a remote "help me" session using #nextcloud talk. If you need to remotely help a non-tech person it's really good option - no installation or configuration is required on the "non-tech" side. Just click the link and allow to share screen. I had voice communication over #jami, but nextcloud talk does ithat as well.

petrisch boosted
petrisch boosted

And of-course there was group picture!

Camera: Spectacle 19.12.3

@kde #PlasmaMobile virtual sprint concludes. Thanks everyone for attending! 💙💙💙💙

We will be publishing the recording for training session later after post-processing.

petrisch boosted

Now that we put some more groundwork into we can start to experiment with gestures in the compositor. It's just a hack so far to see if we're moving in the right direction:


petrisch boosted

"Libhandy was the start, but both Tobias and Purism and the GNOME development team have plans to go a step further to transform the interface of the desktop environment into the future." -

FB is becoming more and more unusable. There used to be a time where I got to know, who of my 'friends' is posting rubish, and who, things i could likely believe. Now i get warnings about fake news from FB, and i'm not shure if they share it because of the warning or because they believe the news. Its really time to quite now.

petrisch boosted

This issue propagate in ICC profiles and turns all noses to red! Many artists already infected! Read how I solved it here:
#krita #icc #PleaseShare

petrisch boosted

Thanks to Elizabeth Warren's tech team, which now published their campaign tools as #FreeSoftware #nt

This should also be the default in public administrations.
PublicMoney? #PublicCode

petrisch boosted

Mainline support for the and the devkit is progressing:

There's more queued up in -next already for 5.7


petrisch boosted

Privacy and protecting data is usually not much of a concern for SAAS providers - Zoom here shares your data on Facebook, even if you don't have a facebook account...
#selfhosting #onpremises

petrisch boosted

I've just finished a set of screencasts on the Desktop Publishing tool Scribus for my students.

The program has come quite a long way since I last used it, it is really great to have a strong #FLOSS canvas #layout alternative.

If anything, the #covid19 lockdown has been a great opportunity to showcase free and libre open source software alternatives to my students and collegues.

Can post links when transcoding is finished, if there is any interest.

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image/svg+xml Librem Chat image/svg+xml