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Is anyone here attending the forum in this wednesday?
I will be at the looking for coenthusiasts.
Maybe someone from

petrisch boosted

In 14 days, on July 2nd, it will be a slightly early three years anniversary of weekly updates on #LinuxMobile (I started with this on July 4th, 2020). I would like to deliver something special, but due to life things (too much work makes Pete a dull boy ;-)), I am short on ideas.
Please send me an email if you've got ideas:

petrisch boosted

But I show something done many years ago.. this are all designed by me on commission.
There is much more photos and things, from Mechanical, various plants and artistic stuff etc..etc..

petrisch boosted

It's bookworm release day! Across the world members of the release, publicity, images and FTP teams are brewing industrial quantities of coffee as their final preparations are completed #ReleasingDebianBookworm

petrisch boosted

I finally attempted to get to work with a variant of the custom #neovim lua interpreter approach I wrote about in

I had to extend the wrapper script to support stdin but now I can debug neovim plugin test cases with busted.

(See for the interpreter changes, it is now in lua and uses `nvim -l` directly)

petrisch boosted

Kundgebung gegen die #Chatkontrolle nächsten Mittwoch um 12h vor dem Bundesrat.

Nächste Woche findet die Innenministerinnenkonferenz in Berlin statt und wir wollen ein Zeichen gegen die Komplettüberwachung unserer Kommunikation setzen.

Unterstützt uns und kommt auf die Straße!

petrisch boosted

i'm glad to be able to say that we are once again working with NLnet. this time they are funding the development of a future MNT Reform version (codenamed MNT Reform Next) that is thinner and powered by a next-gen processor such as RK3588. please note that we are still early in the process and want to solicitate feedback and collaboration from other makers so that it is easy to contribute and reuse modules across projects.

petrisch boosted

I just posted a new video with my solutions for mobile digital painting on GNU/Linux! It's not sponsored, about a refurbished 5 y/o hardware, and relatively low budget. 🙂


#thinkpad #lenovo #wacom #linux #krita #MastoArt

petrisch boosted

We just joined Mastodon, please follow us. Still more posts to come soon.

petrisch boosted

Does anyone here use #neogit for #neovim ?

Is it worth me switching from a really nice and fast workflow with #fugitive ?

petrisch boosted

Wow political add today: "we only are responsible for 0.1% of co2 emissions world wide"
Lets see, 'we' means swiss, which are around 10M, we are at around 10B people ww, so we are producing 10x the average? *deep breath* ... f** ...silently breathing...

petrisch boosted
petrisch boosted
petrisch boosted

Dear following

Since the new Sandbox of the Swiss E-ID is now online it would be a good time to find some capable Blockchain destroyers and take it down so they learn not to put this stuff on the #blockchain

Who knows somebody that can checkout

and help us de blockchain our future passports?

:BoostOK: :ReplyOK:

petrisch boosted
petrisch boosted

if you too want the smOOOth with a capital 0 experience (at the cost of literally all of your battery life) slap the above config in /etc/hdm/config.d/ and restart the hkdm service (only? on #postmarketOS )

for an extra boost (hahaha) you can

exho 1 | sudo tee /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/boost

sdm845 only i think, at least the cpu number in the config would need to be adjusted for PP(P)


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