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petrisch boosted

Normal authors: release book to the public early in the week, with much fanfare.

Me, late Friday afternoon, from a dark alley: "psst! Hey, you! Yeah, you! #sysadmin! Buddy! You ever wanted to Run Your Own Mail Server?" #ryoms

petrisch boosted

#Linux OpenPrinting #CUPS vulnerabilities

Use the following command to determine if cups-browsed is running:

$ sudo systemctl status cups-browsed

If the result includes "Active: inactive (dead)" then the exploit chain is halted and the system is not vulnerable

If the result is "running" or "enabled" then the system may be vulnerable.

Mitigation is simple, especially in any environment where printing is not needed.

$ sudo systemctl stop cups-browsed

$ sudo systemctl disable cups-browsed

ging mir auch so, habs per Zufall gesehen. Auf der Bundesseite ist es bei den so*** medien unten auch nicht aufgeführt. Und es wundert sich der Pilotprojektmanager...

@gov sehr schade und irgendwie unverständlich. Ich werde auf jeden Fall deswegen nicht irgendwo sonst hingehen. Mastodon ist ja nicht das zentrale hier, sondern das Protokoll. Ich vermute schwer, dass wir darauf nochmal zurückkommen werden.

petrisch boosted

I just used for the first time #GNUtaler to pay my Mate at #Datenspuren. GNUtaler is a #FreeSoftware secure electronic payment system funded under the #EU's Next Generation Internet programme #NGI which the EU just decided to cut by €27 mio.

The payment worked awesome - and Free Software needs sustainable, long-term financial support! This is what we at the @fsfe demand from the EU, to ensure Europe's technological independence.

Please support our work!


@mathias its slittly worse every time, so technically its right. It just makes it even worse.

@heloise I went with the qwerty compatible approach. Means the os thinks its a qwerty. It can not see that the keys are at a different location. The drawback is that you have to think around the corner when placing shifted keys and stuff.

@heloise Made my own that is optimized for vim. Eg. it has 'i' on left hand to the left and 'a' to the right.

@ju i changed from gandi to Although I don't need much I'm quite happy.

@unibern gibt es eigentlich von dem Podcast irgendwo einen rss feed? Ich kann keinen finden.

petrisch boosted

Having been active in the (formally BlenderBIM) & communities for many years, I can tell you that the blood, sweat, and tears on this release was palpable.

I know the core developers sacrificed a lot of their time to root out a lot of elusive and temperamental bugs.

It just feels like an ideal time to show our appreciation.

In that light, if this software is useful to you in your daily production, please consider funding further development.

petrisch boosted

#Bonsai v0.8.0 has been released with 1,357 (!!!) new features / fixes. Improvements in #NativeIFC drawings, solar analysis, light sim, IFC4X3 support, wall tool, georeferencing, web UI and more!

Get it today:

See release notes:

It's our built environment, help support Bonsai: 100% free & open source software that lets you author and document BIM data fully to ISO standards.

#ifcopenshell #openbim #blender #b3d #blenderbim #opensource #openbim

petrisch boosted

Chat client Chatty will drop XMPP support.

Unless someone starts maintaining that part. This could be YOU!

This is apparently the only client that supports both XMPP and Matrix and it would be sad to see it losing support.

#LinuxOnMobile #XMPP #Jabber

@Dee turns out real users don't trash, they delete :-D

@cas From a users perspective its probably either gnome/firefox OS or sway/wezterm/nvim OS

petrisch boosted

A while ago I whipped up a prototype in nvim-dap to support fallback language interpreters that are used in the REPL if there is no active debug session.

With a bundled implementation for Lua. Demo:

I'm still not sure if that's still in scope and if I should finish and merge it.
If you'd like to see this merged, maybe leave some feedback or upvote the PR

#neovim #nvim-dap

petrisch boosted

Kennt ihr Kids, die nächstes Jahr im Grossraum Zürich eine Informatik-Lehrstelle suchen? Threema bietet ab 2025 eine solche Lehrstelle an:

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