@bikolinux Wie ich sehe fährst du ja Rad, da ist Eaufwfahrer zu Ebewegungrad eher schlecht, aber Eprimär halt sehr gut ;-)
@bikolinux Das meine ich ja. Wenn von Wirkungsgrad gesprochen wird und nur die isolierte Maschine betrachtet wird, ist das nicht ganz richtig. Das soll nicht dein erstes Posting abwerten, sondern eher ergänzen.
@bikolinux Ja ich nehme an da erzähl ich nichts neues :-)
@bikolinux Der Wirkungsgrad am Verbraucher ist allerdings der falsche Indikator. Ist nicht entscheidender wo die Primärenergie herkommt. Kohle->Strom und der Elektrobus ist auf einmal massiv schlechter...
@agx is your work still paid by purism?
@Patagium @Bouletcorp isn't this giving the argument for replacing the human entirely? Like not just for performing a task but for 'beeing' less efficient at living.
@wez voted for ebook, though most then come as pdf which is horrible. A good formated ebook for code seems to be hard though.
@GeschichteFM Ist Fiiiiigaro figaro nicht Rossini?
Got myself a piantor pro and looove it!
Ok my head is spinning for those 3 thumbkey options but still. The open chests feels great.
@crft jup nushell fan here on both win and linux.
PSA that the #OSArch (OSArch.org - community.OSArch.org) community forums has been under a DDoS attack for just over a day now. Anybody experienced with who can help provide some advice for a FOSS volunteer hosted site on the best way forward to stop this and in the future please send me a DM :) #opensource #openbim
@zrzz probably aiosmtpd is the way to go. I hope this is sufficient to what i have to do.
@zrzz uff looks like a tough compile on windows...
@thibaultamartin I'd say the essential freedoms like, beeing able to modify and really owning it in a sense that I can figure out when things brake.
On mobile only a few things are missing for me, that have actually little to do with the software. Some services that depend on a prop app instead of open standards, or just groups of people that don't care to use whatapp instead of matrix...
@vimja @nebucatnetzer@emacs.ch straight out of #emmental
@sikorski does that mean you use WindowsTerminal on debian?
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