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:TwinPines: Shared Capital is looking for people to become investors in the co-op economy. They've already made over $7 million in loans this year and have a bunch more projects looking for funding.

@GuerillaOntologist "When in social affairs we have evidence for multiple, nonexclusive hypotheses, the wise thing to do is not to snipe over which we should reject and which we should accept, but to explore how they might relate to one another, and when it is best to deploy one understanding or the other as a simplification."


Had the need to charge an all electric Kia recently and guess what: both the charging stations app and the vendor's app are proprietary so how would I know when charging finished?

Turns out people around figured out the vendor API so I could use that to have a small app to monitor the charging status on my running

Have you heard the news? Artisans Cooperative is now open with over 70 artisan shops and 1,200 handmade products and counting!

We are so thrilled to celebrate our launch during National Co-op Month, a time when cooperatives around the world are raising awareness of the cooperative business model.

Explore the marketplace and join our vibrant handmade community at

#cooperatives #handmade

Via @MotherJones:

"But so many people on the streets means that a protest generates a revolutionary situation—in which you’re either dislodging the people in power or providing the opportunity for someone else to take power. Often what we see happen is the final story is dictated by who can take advantage of that revolutionary situation."

So, I just wrote a thing: "Why 'free' proprietary software will always end in tears" (it's late, and I haven't really proof read it, but if you're feeling bold, have at it. Happy to have comments here or there, and any corrections welcome & appreciated!

I'm always amazed at how many hardcore tech people 'don't have time for self-hosting', preferring to entrust their precious data to corporate providers. It sorta blows me away, as for someone tech savvy, it's such a trivial amount of time/energy. Having control over my own data means a lot to me and I'm surprised others aren't motivated by that. Their trust of corporations is... ill advised.

I see the University of Pennsylvania is enjoying a well-deserved publicity fiasco.

Honestly, I will be fine with it if the lesson academia takes away from this is, "gosh, we better not mistreat our women faculty, or they might win the Nobel Prize while still adjuncts and embarrass us on the world stage."

A news crew robbed at gunpoint in Chicago, a videographer assaulted at a NY protest — at least 25 journalists have been assaulted so far this year coast-to-coast.

Managing Editor Kirstin McCudden examines who exactly is attacking them in this month’s newsletter.

Read and subscribe at the following link.

“In this, the latest book from Ethan Marcotte, […] unions aren’t anachronisms but rather a set of structures for workers to practice mutual aid, solidarity, and democracy with each other and across their workplaces—practices which are necessary not only for improving working conditions but also for attending to the harms the industry continues to commit.”

As usual, Mandy says it better than I ever could’ve.

Thank you, @aworkinglibrary 💜


“We believe at its core that #CreditUnions are the best type of organization to serve everyone in the community regardless of where they come from or the language they speak,” says René A. Vargas Martínez, Director of Inclusiv’s #PuertoRico Network.

In case you're wondering how the spam problem on #Codeberg is going: There are improvements! Nuking users from orbit is now x10 times faster if they don't have any repositories (among other things).

Learn More About the Secure and Private Librem 11 Tablet PC.

No Surveillance or Data Mining by Big Tech the Way a Tablet PC Should Be.

At Purism, we value our end users as paying customers rather than products to be exploited for profits.

But won't it wreck the economy?

Ah yes, wrecking an economy that favours these rich elites and allows them to distort democracy and climate action so they can get bigger numbers on their bank account and push their ideologies. Then transforming the economy into something fair, equitable and healthy, and not based on exploitation of people, natural resources and the Earth? Seems good to me.

"If we tax the rich they will just leave."

Let them leave.
Pretty much anywhere they go they'll need to pay taxes.
They can't take the land, houses, resources, or infrastructure they're hoarding.
They're not doing us a favour, Trickle down is a lie.
If they're only staying as long as they can avoid contributing their fair share, why would we want them here anyway?

Either they contribute to the society that benefits them or they leave and free up their stash.

Bye bye. We can do better.

@conny_asf_ggg @rgulick

That's what poor whites will never admit.

That the public policies of Republican-run states impact them nearly as badly as black & brown voters.

They overlook that GOP billionaire donors, & their minions like Trump, despise poor whites nearly as much as POC and women.

Idle musing: wonder what percentage of people from the wealthy world who backpack internationally and spend time in poorer countries vote progressive after they've returned to their native lands. I'd guess it's an overwhelming majority, but I'd love to see stats. Is that even a researched demographic?

That our society succumbs to 'populist' identity politics is an indictment on our society and its average level of education and perspective (provincial rather than globally informed).

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I released a small update (version 0.4.2) to Satellite, my simple #GPS / #GNSS app for #MobileLinux: (also in #Flathub).

The visible changes are the addition of 'Geoidal separation' field to the display data and a more compact display of various DOP values. As usual, there are also some small bugs fixed, and an update to the Gnome SDK version 45 in the flatpak package.

#LinuxMobile #location #Codeberg

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