@Properganda @cmccullough @dangillmor we’ve been demanding the same shit for decades. Neither the GOP nor the Dems have any interest in actually moving the needle. They’ve all had their chances and proven time and time again that they _are both_ corrupt and greedy. Come back to this thread in 2028 when the Democrats have once again let you down.
@dangillmor This is absolute bullshit. A vote for Jill Stein is a vote for Jill Stein (or any other candidate they choose to vote for). I am absolutely sick of Democrats blaming third-party voters for the issue within their own party. Here's an idea: Fix the fucking problems in your Party. People are voting for other candidates because they are increasingly becoming sick of the broken, corporate two-party system in the US.
We are all paying much higher utility bills because of "AI" uses vast, vast amounts of water and fuel.
But we don't know how much higher, because the "AI" companies are systematically hiding those costs from the public -- and lawmakers/regulators are doing essentially nothing to force disclosure.
🎙️ talked to @phosh main developer @agx:
* Getting involved with Phosh and Librem 5 as happy coincidence
* Going from N900 straight to Librem 5
* squeekboard vs. phosh-osk-stub
* Being puzzled by people using Phosh on the PinePhone
* Having a smile on the face when seeing random old phones & tablets with Phosh
* Automatic hardware testing at @purism
* How Phosh gets translated
* Upcoming @FrOSCon 2024
* Lockscreen widgets
* Cellbroadcast
My first time getting published in a book, and it's a rad one! My chapter is called "Smashing Whiteness: Race, Class, and Punk Culture in the Love and Rage Revolutionary Anarchist Federation (1989-1998)." Published in Europe by Active Distribution and available soon in the US via @pmpress
Microsoft confesses to yet another lie in its public statements: https://www.computerweekly.com/news/366589152/Microsoft-admits-no-guarantee-of-sovereignty-for-UK-policing-data
We need to decarbonise not manipulate clouds. Solar geoengineering is a hubristic & technocentric response to climate change & uncertainty. Climate engineering off US coast could increase heatwaves in Europe #ClimateChange #ClimateDiary #SolarGeoengineering https://t.co/Fw8OWtW9BO
"The tech giants say they buy enough wind, solar or geothermal power every time a big data center comes online to cancel out its emissions. But critics see a shell game with these contracts: The companies are operating off the same power grid as everyone else, while claiming for themselves much of the finite amount of green energy. Utilities are then backfilling those purchases with fossil fuel expansions, regulatory filings show."
Microsoft? Shell game? Surely, you jest.
"Data centers, the nondescript warehouses packed with racks of servers that power the modern internet, have been around for decades. But the amount of electricity they need now is soaring because of AI. Training artificial intelligence models and using AI to execute even simple tasks involves ever more complicated, faster and voluminous computations that are straining the electricity system."
Totally worth it for all the misinformation and bad art we're churning out though, right?...right?!?
Tech people out there, can you please reign in your brethren and sisthren? If you don't, someone else is going to have to, otherwise these morons are going to drive us to a bad end EVEN FASTER than we were already heading there. The stupidity of this BS is sooo depressing. And pretty depressing to realize how many people will both buy the marketing hype and stick their head in the sand about the massive, overwhelmingly negative byproducts of their gee-whiz toys.
The right-wing brigading of Amazon reviews of the essential new book by @Noupside is about the best evidence you'll see of why her work has been so important. We shouldn't countenance the supremely bad-faith attacks that have cost her -- and all of us in the end -- so much.
Apparently Orbea bikes has been a worker owned co-op for 55 years and I had no idea until just now! I'm very curious about how they're structured and how they handle employee ownership. If anyone in my co-op or bicycle circles has a contact there, I'd love to chat with them.
Summer's just starting and the climate records are already being shattered. https://brianmcfadden.org/2024/06/14/2024s-climate-records/
Check out the ongoing Purism Differentiator Series! From Our Operating System to baked-in Convergence, Purism has its own way of doing things. Stay tuned as we explore the diverse facets of Purism's unique offerings! #DifferentiatorSeries #PureOS #Purism #Librem5
#ShlaerMellor, #FunctionPointAnalysis, #punk, #environmentalist, #unionAdvocate, #anarchosocialist
"with a big old lie and a flag and a pie and a mom and a bible most folks are just liable to buy any line, any place, any time" - Frank Zappa