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Microsoft knows I'm turning 53 in two weeks and is really committed to getting a little payback for all the comics. :-D

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Britain’s millionaires are fleeing. Good night and good luck, I say - good riddance, I say: if all you care about is maximising your wealth through tax avoidance, you poison our society, rather than enhancing it...

It turns out that a five sentence letter to the editor published by the New England Journal of Medicine back in 1980 helped fuel the #Opioid crisis.

@mattblaze The way the Mastodon web UI copies ALT into TITLE is horrible. And the spec specifically says you should not do that. I reported a bug about it that I expect to be given... "all due consideration".

Fossil fuel companies are literally spending billions to try to find any way to suppress shareholder oversight. The current initiative is the absurd claim that the foundational basis of capitalism somehow is a violation of antitrust laws. My response:

"Having failed to persuade anyone last year that there was some improper behavior that might be violating securities laws[1], the same forces have persuaded a subcommittee of the Judiciary Committee to try to find a violation of the antitrust laws. At this point, they are just throwing darts at a list of federal legislation to see if they can find a way to explain that it is illegal for shareholders to raise concerns about corporate strategy and conflicts of interest. When the attempt to find a fit with antitrust law fails, they may come back next year with a claim that the FDA should look into shareholder requests for information because they cause queasiness and weak knees in corporate executives."

It's not your imagination: tech really *is* underregulated. There are plenty of avoidable harms that tech visits upon the world, and while some of these harms are mere negligence, others are self-serving, creating shareholder value *and* widespread public destruction.


If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:

1/ has done such a staggering amount of traffic that I have been asked to be in an honest-to-God documentary, I believe as an anti-AI-hype expert, and I think I may need a new job on Monday because there is NO WAY I fly under the radar this time.

Pray for me 🙏 (Or better yet, network me with cool people)

"I would increasingly argue that the challenge that we need to address in order to move forward in the best way to build resilience is not through ‘building community’ (a subject I have addressed previously), or through a crash course of community reskilling, but rather through issues of governance and social entrepreneurship, areas where the green movement has fallen short for many years..."

#RobHopkins, 2010

Also true for software freedom IMHO


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"Young people would have fewer spaces to share their opinions, connect with others, and find community — something that’s sorely needed when offline spaces where young people can interact are, sadly, shrinking," EFF's @jgkelley writes for Teen Vogue

Queer joy is an act of resistance.

Shop the Queer-punk sale for 40% off all queer and punk titles. No code required. See the full selection here:

#queer #pride #punk #books

Looking like either Enbridge or the judge or city of Cambridge bullied Town of Lincoln into declaring an “emergency” exception to open meeting law to save what trees they could, having apparently no legal standing on their conservation easement. Could not even wait for 48 hours to post the closed public meeting notice. Trees not cut yet well past 48 hrs so why emergency?

Also no apparent standing by MA on land it designates as Priority Habitat of Rare Species. @universalhub

The Librem 5 uses our unique hardware kill switches to physically disconnect WiFi, Bluetooth, cellular signal, microphone & camera—nothing like the security of powered off.

Okay, what's going on here? I switched to a thicker #needle and now the #thread refuses to go back up.

More tension made it happen less often, but still I can't sew anything like this.


#sewing #mechanics #akfedi

"I just got back from a trip to a substantially less developed country, and really living in a country, even for a little bit, where I could see how many lives that money could improve, all being poured down the Microsoft Fabric drain, it just grinds my gears like you wouldn't believe. I swear to God, I am going to study, write, network, and otherwise apply force to the problem until those resources are going to a place where they'll accomplish something for society..."

@lwriemen @lightweight

There are also nasty maneuvers that promote and preserve 20th-century U.S. style planning, including the presumption that road use should be free but that transit should cost money to use and in fact needs to make a profit.

@dynamic Yup - return on municipal investment. Some are positive, others are negative (and the tax paid by others subsidise the latter).

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