Runs on the Librem 5 Smartphone – Week 3
What Really IRCs Me: Mastodon
By @kyle
Learn how to use the Mastodon social network platform from the comfort of your regular #IRC client.
Congress wants Google and Facebook to tell users exactly how much their personal data is worth. "Whatever the exact value that gets assigned to our attention... a little more transparency will remind us that "free" isn't free," via @wired.
Susanne Scherer of #MoonSun singing Sweet Jane.
Apple Cofounder Steve Wozniak Says Most People Should Get Off Facebook Permanently #libremone #privacy
#Purism showcases the #Librem5 Linux smartphone: thin bezels, GNOME apps and boot in under 15 seconds
Up and Running With Your Librem in Three Minutes – Purism
Runs on Librem 5, Day 17 - GNOME Contacts
Lessons in Vendor Lock-in: Google and Huawei
by @kyle
What happens when you're locked in to a vendor that's too big to fail, but is on the opposite end of a trade war?
Runs on Librem 5, Day 16 - Something a little different...
"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated." — the 4th Amendment of the US Bill of Rights #july4th #BecausePrivacyMatters
Runs on the Librem 5 Smartphone – Week 2.
Collecting all the videos of software running on the Librem 5 over the last week (including Emacs, Podcasts, Torrents, Open Transport Tycoon Deluxe, and more).
Youtube's ban on "hacking techniques" threatens to shut down all of infosec Youtube
by Cory Doctorow on @BoingBoing
Traditional Latin Mass Readings
July 3, 2019
Saint Irenaeus
Epistle - II Timothy 3:14-17; 4:1-5
Gospel - Matthew 10:18-32
Catholic father of 10. Programmer by trade. I like reading, writing, running, geocaching, chess, spending time with my family.