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Does anyone know of a decent round-up of current (2019/2020) TV OSes? I'm interested in factors like offline-breakage, known spyware-phone-homing, availability of SDKs, sideloading, etc.

Can't find anything even close to contemporary. Boosts 'preciated; will post any answers I find....

Friends don’t share links with their friends with UTM / marketing parameters still attached! (

Now that remote and digital connections are playing a bigger role in our daily lives than ever before, it's crucial to push for free software continuously. FSF members have a special role to play: Join today:

The FSF is accepting applications for remote summer internships through May 10:

In case you missed it: the best possible thing to watch while you're stuck inside! Watch many, many hours of entertaining and educational talks from #LibrePlanet2020 on our Mediagoblin page -- made and shared entirely with free software:

My fault for having expectations from the URL . It's not a guide to free software (or open source) virtual event solutions or a declaration of intent to help such solutions succeed; rather the opposite.

A firefox extension that makes a little celebratory sound every time you close a tab. :thonking:

in switzerland you aren't allowed to have a train with exactly 256 axles because of an integer overflow in the axle counting machine

i wish i could fix my software bugs by making it illegal to cause them

Several updates have been made in jitsi -

1. A jitsi server is only as good as the host.

2. Lately many servers are overloaded.

3. There is more than one host for jitsi

List of servers:

we can also contribute to making jitsi better -

Another server I am looking at is BigBlueButton -

I am just not good at standing in line to ask a Corporation to fix things and be nice to me.

@civicrm, the free software CRM system we use at the FSF, has launched an extension to coordinate help for the vulnerable and most affected members of your community during the COVID-19 crisis:

Agaric is reaching out to cities and communities about our platform Resource Locator. Groups are using the Find It platform for COVID-19 resources and for programs that aggregate resources. You can write to us to get a site up quickly.

"Capitalism funds innovation. You wouldn't have the iPhone without capitalism."

Zoom meetings aren’t actually end-to-end encrypted, despite misleading marketing on their website, in their security white paper, and in the user interface in their app by @yaelwrites and myself

A new version of #LibreJS has been released, fixing a bug that caused it to crash on recent Mozilla-based browsers. Download the latest release here:

One of the most powerful principles of and open hardware is the ability to audit and verify.

See the community maintained promise delivery chart to see how we are disrupting the duopoly

Want to help provide desperately-needed medical devices during the COVID-19 pandemic? We want to get you connected. Learn more about the HACKERS and HOSPITALS initiative:

DDG is changing my searches for PinePhone stuff to iPhone stuff :|

I went years without seeing the word "nothingburger" -- not sure I've ever seen it used before in fact -- and here it is in my life, twice in one week. That's a somethingsandwich!

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