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One of the most powerful principles of and open hardware is the ability to audit and verify.

See the community maintained promise delivery chart to see how we are disrupting the duopoly

Want to help provide desperately-needed medical devices during the COVID-19 pandemic? We want to get you connected. Learn more about the HACKERS and HOSPITALS initiative:

DDG is changing my searches for PinePhone stuff to iPhone stuff :|

I went years without seeing the word "nothingburger" -- not sure I've ever seen it used before in fact -- and here it is in my life, twice in one week. That's a somethingsandwich!

@mindspillage So cool. I had a bee the size of my thumb just hovering outside the back door staring at me through the window for a good part of yesterday. Maybe they take videos too...

@liw I also run NextCloud, for calendar, contacts, and notes. It's great. Not sure if I would use it if I were *only* looking for calendar, but probably.

@kyle any workarounds you know? I feel like one of the terminal emulators out there has a menu option to send CTRL, but I can't remember which...

@kyle Is there a way to send CTRL from squeekboard? (Using it on another phone...)

noticing an uptick in free software patches I'm receiving, as typically happens around thanksgiving and christmas

anyone else

This software, Nextstrain, is free software to aid epidemiological understanding and improve outbreak response, licensed under AGPLv3!

"We're very focused on working with new contributors to the world
of free software. We do this by breaking issues into pieces that
are only available to newcomers" -- and they emphasize
mentorship. Shannon Dosemagen on Public Lab's approach

While watching Shannon Dosemagen opening keynote at about free technology for environmental problem solving, I receive a spam message with subject: "Job Offer @ Exxon Mobil Company". Coincidence??

First keynote just started, watch at

#LibrePlanet2020 is starting TOMORROW!!!! In just three very busy days, we've shifted gears to make it an entirely online conference. Get ALL the details here:

I get this weird nostalgic feeling when I see spam subject lines I recognize from the past but haven't seen in a long time.

Still getting travel deal emails from lots of companies. Maybe don't do that.

@dthompson just switched people myself because only email guy would send me was telling me to call him.

We just make the same mistakes over and over again. From the NYT corrections: "A caption...referred incorrectly to the character played by Boris Karloff in the 1931 film 'Frankenstein'. It was the monster, not Frankenstein."

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