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Before we sign off we wish to say thank you to all of our Developers, Contributors, Sponsors, Friends, and Users for the amazing support and community building that we have all done over the years. We hope you enjoy Debian 12 "bookworm"! Thank you, thank you all very much! #ReleasingDebianBookworm #Debian12 #Debian

#Debian12 had officially been released! Great work, @debian this release is HUGE!

The new non-free-firmware section of the bookworm archive is opt-in. Do not forget to include it when updating your source lists if you wish to opt into binary firmware for your device. #ReleasingDebianBookworm.

Congrats to our friends at @debian :debian: on the successful release of the newest version of the "universal operating system": Debian 12, aka Bookworm

#Wikipedia runs on #Debian because of its commitment to stability, security and software freedom. We'll be upgrading to bookworm soon!

Interested how we keep gpg keys safe, even in daily use?
FTPMaster uses hardware for it, yubikeys. And right now, the new signing key is put onto one.

That yubikey is hard at work, its signature counter is above 3 million now. That is, between Bullseye release on 14th August 2021 and today, the yubikey got a bit over 3 million signatures to issue using the key in the signature key slot. BUT: It had to do more signatures, we can just not say how many - because we use two keys, and so we have the signature key slot AND the authentication key slot in usage. Unfortunately, Yubikeys do not count usage of that authentication key. So the real amount of work this had to do - will be way higher.

#Debian #ReleasingDebianBookworm

PSA: If you're an adventurous PureOS user who has enabled `landing` repository in order to receive untested updates early, brace yourself: in a few days `landing` is going to start tracking Debian bookworm (instead of bullseye) and targeting PureOS crimson (instead of byzantium). It will still take some time to make crimson work, so please disable the repo! If you still want to be on the bleeding edge, consider enabling `byzantium-updates-proposed` instead.

I'm very interested in following any news related to #linuxphone / #linuxmobile / #gnomemobile / #phosh but the small problem is that there is no one hashtag everyone uses, and yet worse, many people don't even use hashtags.
Can you please use one hashtag to make it easier for people to follow the developments?

Today I spent almost 9 hours running around a city, with my #Librem5 . I used waydroid in it with an app that allows to find public transport connections and buy tickets. I used it quite frequently, checking how can I get to a next point I had planned.
I returned with 40% battery left. The recent battery life improvement is awesome! (

First day with my new #Librem5:
I am impressed how much already works out of the box. Maybe I will write a short overview about my experience in the next few weeks.
I will try to use it as my main device as soon as possible.

#Purism #Linux #Gnome

@morgthorak I think you might want to make sure you don’t follow me.

Because your “woke communist propaganda” comment makes me think you’re a moron of the first order.

I strongly suspect I am one of those “woke communists” you worry about. But you probably couldn’t actually explain what either of those words actually mean, could you?

I’m a card-carrying atheist, I think a woman’s right to choose is very important, I think that “well regulated militia” means that guns should be carefully licensed and not just randomly given to any moron with a pulse, and I couldn’t care less if you decided to dress up in the “wrong” clothes or decided you’d rather live your life without feeling tied to whatever plumbing you were born with.

And dammit, if that all makes me “woke”, then I think anybody who uses that word as a pejorative is a f*cking disgrace to the human race. So please just unfollow me right now.

As far as GNOME Shell on mobile goes, there are some paper cuts.

Please don't report bugs yet, Jonas is aware of them but is working on polishing the fundamentals including touch and gesture APIs.

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"Everything you don't like is fascism" - FALSE! Fascism is just a subset of all the things I don't like.

As inscrições para o Freedom Not Fear estão abertas. Bruxelas, 1 a 4 de Setembro, há apoios para a viagem e estadia.

Freedom not Fear (fnf) is an annual self-organised conference on privacy and digital rights. People from all across Europe meet and work towards more freedom in the digitalised world, plan actions against increasing surveillance and other attacks on civil rights. As part of the conference we are visiting the European Parliament in Brussels and talk to decision-makers on EU-level.

Freedom not Fear is being supported by a broad alliance including political parties, professional associations, trade unions and freedom activists and more than 150 organisations that share a common goal.

We want freedom of speech in a digitalised world and a free and uncensored internet to express ourselves.

We want privacy in the knowledge society, not surveillance.

We want to live in freedom, not in fear.

At the GNOME Mobile hackfest:
GNOME OS image for the Purism Librem 5 booting 🥳

Apparently someone somewhere on the internet has been advising people that they can get "safe" speaker output on their 14" MacBook Pros by cloning the speaker safety daemon and Pipewire DSP and installing both manually.

This is false, and a cursory glance at either repo would tell you that they are absolutely 1000% NOT ready for production, or even alpha testing to be quite honest. There is still a very high chance that you destroy your machine if you don't know EXACTLY what you are doing.

Yes, the daemon is able to twiddle a volume knob. Yes, the DSP repo has impulse responses for the 14" MacBook. Neither of these facts mean that you're getting a safe or reliable experience from the speakers on that machine, or any other machine.

Not all the work we do in this space is public. The daemon in its current state relies on yet to be published patches to the ASoC driver, and the Pipewire DSP relies on patches that have not even been merged upstream, let alone tagged out in a release by the Pipewire devs. Even if you managed to clone and run the daemon and copy the DSP files to the correct locations, neither would work and all you'd end up doing is permanently damaging your machine.

Please, please, please, PLEASE do not follow guides which instruct you to install unreleased/alpha software, not just for Asahi Linux stuff but in general. Best case scenario you end up with an unstable system. Worst case, like what is very possible with this software, you literally melt your computer.

And this is how it looks on a device with notch. Also enabled PHOC_DEBUG=cutouts so phoc renders the bounding box of these.

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