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Finally got to look at this again and instead of just pushing down 's top panel we now place the clock to the left or right based on the available space. The logic is still pretty simple but it covers the cases where we have data for in . Will try to land this in 0.29.0.

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10 years ago Edward Snowden, working with journalists at The Guardian and Washington Post, exposed shockingly widespread mass surveillance by the NSA. Despite some progress, alarming violations of Americans’ privacy rights and prosecutions of whistleblowers continue.

phosh 0.28.0 is out 🚀📱:

There's quality of life and visual improvements both in phone and docked mode.

Check the release notes for details:


"This is Smaug, the dragon from The Hobbit. Smaug famously stole a mountain full of gold. So full that he sleeps buried under gold. We're talking literal tons and tons of gold by weight.

Forbes ranks Smaug as the second wealthiest fictional character. He had been first, but the price of gold took a tumble and now his vast, overwhelming fortune is only worth an estimated $51,400,000,000.00, or $51.4 billion.

That means that EVEN THOUGH he has an ENTIRE MOUNTAIN full of almost nothing but solid gold, Smaug would rank as the FIFTEENTH wealthiest American.

Fourteen Americans have more money than a gold- hoarding dragon.

Please consider that next time you say deca- billionaires deserve their wealth and shouldn't pay their employees living wages. "

“Until a drag queen walks into a school and beats eight kids to death with a copy of To Kill A Mockingbird, I think you’re focusing on the wrong shit.”

- Wanda Sykes

I’m done cross-posting @elementary to Twitter. I really hoped it would get better, but with the latest news of Elon promoting Ron DeSantis’ presidential run, I’m done. It’s become a far-right social network no different from Parlor or Truth Social and I won’t be a part of it.

After @jacqueline told me it was possible, I tried 3d fdm printing a keycap for my mnt reform trackball. Went surprisingly well!

Getting it to fit was a bit fiddly and not the sort of process I enjoy, but it sure beats not having just the exposed switch...

We've all been conditioned to think of a bell and a dog when someone says "Pavlov"

I'm going to be really blunt here: if you don't care about trans people, if you even remotely think there's the slightest hint of merit to the blatant genocidal actions that are going on in the US right now, you can fuck right off from my projects, spaces, and communities.

I don't give a fuck about "tech shouldn't be political" garbage takes. Tech is made by people and legislators in the US are trying to *kill* my colleagues right now. There is no tech without people.

Hello from my docked to my new ! I really feel like I'm living in the future here.

@og I've followed the official instructions with success:

It was easier than I thought. I recommend #Phosh as the user interface.

Trans people:
- Exist for thousands of years
- GOP: "Eradicate this modern ideology!"

- Lasts for 4 years
- GOP: "We must protect our heritage"

It's now possible to mark links to your #Wikipedia user page as verified on Mastodon!


This was developed and implemented by @taavi who wrote it as a #MediaWiki extension, named "RealMe". It's open source (like all of the Wikipedia software) and can be used on any MediaWiki wiki:

If you're out in public and you see someone whose gender you can't figure out, follow these simple steps:

1. Don't fuckin worry about it

This message brought to you by the trans agenda

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