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Tentei ler o último artigo do João Miguel Tavares no sem praguejar. Não consegui chegar à terceira linha sem o mandar para vários sitios.

Just donated to Marcel for his great work on ! Wish he'd port it to to give an to on mobile devices ;-) ...

@DrWhax how do people promoting metaverse keep seeing 'decentralized' without even twitching a nerve or dropping a tear?

my mind is continually blown by zotero + firefox plugin + sci-hub plugin 🤯

i can go to most paywalled articles, press one button, and get a formatted reference + full text locally 🤠


I like the work of @purism for the whole ecosystem of linux phones. I'm used to and is a Debian without closed sourced blobs.
I do own a running , also, which mainly uses my son.
By buying and using the and a I try to support the effort of Purism as good as I can.
If you look at the code that is upstreamed by to and you know what you support by buying there hardware.

I did a PhD consortium presentation at #ESWC2022
on balancing #knowledgeGraphs generation! 🎉

How do you choose how you generate your #knowledgegraph?! #eswc2022 materialisation or virtualization... Or why not both?!

Slides will be available soon! Thanks for all the #constructive #feedback! #research #RDF #semantic #web

@libreoffice It must be over 10 years now of using #LibreOffice.

Libreoffice has been there for personal, education, and work all those years. Now my daughter also defaults to it. Always there, robust, and it has never let me down. Looking forward to many more years, and generations, relying on it.

LibreOffice 7.2.7 Community, la settima versione minore della famiglia #LibreOffice 7.2, destinata alla produttività desktop, è disponibile per il download da

cc @libreitalia @mte90 @giordi63 @italovignoli @ItaLinuxSociety

New podcast! 🎙️ We learn from @biktorgj about motivation and background for developing his amazing @PINE64 PinePhone modem firmware. Besides that, news about:

* Upcoming v22.06 release
* SDM845
* MSM8916
* Bluetooth HFP
* postmarketOS-tweaks
* Android Dynamic Partitions

Thanks to everyone making Debian Reunion Hamburg possible! For those who missed the live streams, the recordings are available at Enjoy!

Apparently there's an upcycling event in Germany, Cologne organized by the @fsfe on 2022-06-03 where one can learn a bit about postmarketOS among other things. The original fediverse post from @caos is here (not boosting since it's in German and this is an English account):

It sounds like a lot of fun and we wish everybody a great time there. If you live in the area, consider going! 👣

L’approvisionnement d’une ferme-usine saboté

En mars, un collectif d’associations luttant pour l’ #agriculture paysanne et contre les procédés polluants de l’agro-industrie a immobilisé et déchargé par surprise un train de marchandise. Qualifiée d’« écoterroriste » dans la presse, leur action a fait débat jusqu’au sein du mouvement écologiste :

#Écologie #AlternativeLibertaire #Journal #Presse #Média #AL

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