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@gardiner_bryant @notnomiSylimE
Nice! is still my favorite party game, despite how its popularity has waned over the years. I was hoping that the would've succeeded to fund a PC variant of the game, but maybe the interest will emerge again one day.

JC boosted

I came across a neat browser extension today. It looks for "rel=me" links pointing to mastodon profiles, and puts it in a little list for you to review.

In other words, you visit a website, and if tells you if there are any mastodon accounts associated to the website.

JC boosted

We are offering another free loaner MNT Reform which is now available for Plan9 development in the USA, Canada and Japan.

Please contact 'membership' at to tell us about your intent and apply.

#plan9 #os #dev #mnt #9front

JC boosted

KiCanvas is an open source, interactive, browser-based viewer for KiCAD schematics and boards- and now it's in 🎉 public alpha 🎉

Head over to my blog to learn more and try it out for yourself 🧚‍♀️

JC boosted

@pagessin @thelinuxcast Can you please provide more info or sources for which policies you're referring to? I was applying for a position there last year and was pleased to discover that they appear to treat their employees well and operate their business largely in an open way, where you can even look into what tech and business decisions they are making in public repos and YouTube videos (channel: GitLab Unfiltered), etc.

JC boosted

I’m SUPER EXCITED that my floppy disk costumes for SD cards are now in stock at @adafruit !! 🤩 Now’s your chance to dress up your SD cards for your 3D printer or cameras! Grab them with your next order 🥳🥰


JC boosted
JC boosted

Return to Monkey Island working on MNT Reform with LS1028A + Nvidia NV106 (no blobs!) + box64

@whitequark That sounds quite refreshing, actually. My "PTSD" (I put it in quotes because my psychiatrist/therapist seem to avoid labeling/diagnosing that for me) can trigger relatively easily. The feelings can manifest irl as heavy anxiety/depression and transfer into my dreams, or vice versa, and can last hours. This self-experience would probably cause me to act very apologetic if I sparked a trigger for someone else.

@soller And sometimes, all it takes is a hammer. 😄

JC boosted

#DeGoogling picks of the day:

@nextcloud - Create your own personal cloud

@peertube - Fediverse alternative to YouTube

@fdroidorg - FOSS alternative to Google Play

@openandroidinstaller - Makes it easy to install de-Googled Android ROMs

@microg - Develops FOSS alternatives to Google's Android services

@calyxos - De-Googled Android OS

De-Googled Email:

De-Googled Android phones:

JC boosted
JC boosted
JC boosted
JC boosted

@eri Maybe. My banking apps work and IIRC they are sensitive to running on rooted phones, but YMMV. Do you have an example of one I can test?

@Cirucci That sounds super draining... I'm sorry. It's hard when you feel like you waste so much effort chasing your own tail, put out fires on all sides, muster up the courage to accomplish some challenging task only to discover or be told that it really wasn't a priority, or dump all of your energy into a high-priority task where something inevitably blocks it being checked off completely.

Speak your truth but try to cite your sources!

JC boosted

i fixed it!!!

thank u mnt for the reform’s variety of compatible displays, and thank u aliexpress for offering a dhl shipping option i’ve never used before

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