#Waydroid uses a container-based approach to boot a full #Android system on a #GNU #Linux computer. It's also now on #OpenCollective! Donations or sponsorships are greatly welcomed and help accelerate Waydroid's development. This is something I'm personally excited about because it lets me run banking apps, etc, on my #Purism #Librem5 to make it viable as a primary phone.
Teardown is back! It's an awesome conference for hacking, discovering, and sharing hardware,
June 23 - 25, 2023, in Portland, Oregon https://www.crowdsupply.com/teardown/portland-2023 #Portland #PDX #PortlandOregon #Teardown2023 #CrowdSuppy #HardwareHacking
@mntmn Do you think there would be any EMI-induced crosstalk given the proximity of the WLAN card?
@noellemitchell It's worth mentioning that the Aurora Store (you can install it via F-Droid) has completely replaced Google Play for me. In Aurora, you can log in through your Google account or anonymously. All functionally worked even with Google Play completely disabled. 😊
@kop316 @purism This is my understanding as well (and same here - things may have changed in the last several years since learning this 😄).
I do recall, though, that GoogleFi mobile data did not work on my Pixel 2 with LineageOS VANILLA until I installed GAPPS. microG may also suffice, but I did not test this. I've heard that others have been able to access mobile data on other carriers using only VANILLA, which was the premise of my surprise.
@collabora Congrats to all the new hires!
From my experience, my #Android devices require numerous #Google libraries in order to function properly with #GoogleFi, my current carrier. However, I swapped the physical SIM into my #Librem5 (#GNU #Linux, not Android) and calls, SMS, and mobile data worked out of the box. Great job, @purism!!
Next, I'd love to migrate to a Librem mobile plan once it's possible to transfer my existing number. 😊
wrote a first technical walkthrough of MNT Pocket Reform: https://www.crowdsupply.com/mnt/pocket-reform/updates/a-technical-walkthrough
Hey peeps! Do me a huge flavor? I moonlight with the immensely amazing Open Source Hardware Association, and we have a new baby mastodon account. Follow and share it? We know our folks are on here, and would love to reach them.
Can confirm, especially when having to develop mission-essential applications for the military where a case we had to consider was "user leaves an object on top of keyboard," etc.
We have way too many patents as it is. The last thing we need are AI patent troll farms generating millions of trivial "inventions" then suing everyone actually building stuff.
and we are live!! you can back the MNT Pocket Reform (open hardware 7" mini laptop) campaign now: https://www.crowdsupply.com/mnt/pocket-reform
and we are very thankful for spreading the word!
Passionate about freedom, libre software/hardware, environmental sustainability, and doing the right thing even when it's inconvenient.
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